With the ascension Barack Obama to the presidency and the apparent rise of Fundamentalist Christians supporting Sarah Palin, Glen Beck and the like - does it still make sense to call America a "Christian Nation"?
I've yet to see a Jewish, Muslim or even a Buddhist who belonged to the Teabagger Movement.
Are these Teabaggers really Christians or are they just using religion as an edifice with which to shelter their biases?
"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross."
(Sinclair Lewis)
It would seem that as long as we identify ourselves as a "Christian Nation" we will be ruled by Zionists who will direct our foreign and even domestic policies.
Well, as long as the majority of citizens are Christians, we will still probably be a 'Christian nation.'
They probably are using religion to shelter their biases, but that's fairly typical behavior. It's similar to how the Muslims use Islam to repress women, homosexuals, science, secularism, etc.
Man I stop paying attention to that brand of Christian a long time ago,whenever someone ask or wants to know what I think a real Christian is I point them to my Mother and her older brother(one of my favorite uncles) as models.
There's a lot of truth to the old saying of walking the talk!
But this brand of Christian seems to be able to have an impact on policy which may effect us on even the local level.
This form of Christianity only rises when immorality is going a bit too far.
There used to be a time when adult themes didn't come on til 10pm. There was a time when booties and tits were blurred on BET. There was a time when night life was left at night.
But all of that has changed and has effected the raising of ones kids to the point where they have to fight back at society. So in typical fashion they all push to restore Jesus in the school.
So this form of Craziness only exists as a direct result of Rampant acceptance of Immorality. They were there complaining saying it's a slippery slope but no one listened. Now that we slipped down that slope they see talking rationally doesn't work. So they revel in being as ignorant and as loud and mimicking the same radicals they saw in the 60's. So conservatism looks a lot like crazy liberalism.
Is anyone surprised? Crazy is Crazy!
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