Sometimes I would talk ish to the wrong adult and I would end up getting a good old fashioned butt kickin' from a grown man.
I quickly learned to signal one of my younger brothers so he could run home to get my step-dad for backup.
My step father was a big, old fashioned, country, military man who did not play.
My step father would first beat the grown man trying to fight me, and then beat me for talking back to an adult.
I was (sometimes) a bad little niglet - but nothing like these kids today.
When the Houston teacher squared up on that little kid and commenced in beatin' that ass, there were probably thousands of teachers cheering in approval.
What kind of teacher dresses that way? I hope this was after a field trip or something. Besides that I thought it was dude beating up a little dude. I had no idea it was a teacher.
When the kid saw her come at him with her dukes up, he realized that this may be a little realer than he's used to!! I'm not outraged as PC would have me to be. I think the younguns need some kind of discipline and a dose of reality--I don't know if a "butch" sistah ought to be the disciplinarian for a male youngster, but he had to have learned some kind of lesson that day! I'm just sayin.
I've done it... not to that extent, but I've popped, punched, and bear-hugged a few students in my day. I actually spanked my bosses son in the office one day. His father walked in and looked at me and I said, "hey, I told him I was gonna do it" (ahh... the insanity of my youthful days). Most 13 year old boys need their behinds beat... I would rather a legitimate man and not a manly woman do it though... but yeah, I understand.
I could loop that jawn and watch it for days lamenting only the fact that she didn't land some more solid punches and put her foot so far up thad'ass that that a niglet's whole world collapsed into a shit-and-shoe epiphany...,
Couldn't hit a kid, but this was such a hilarious beating, iCan't hate on this teacher. This was comedy gold, CNu.
Her butchness (?) or how she's dressed have little to do with it, its not like mothers don't beat their sons. Some kids just need a whooping to set them str8 and maybe this kid pushed things too far.
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