Is it the influence of rap music?
Is it Reality Television and R-Rated Movies?
Is it the poor quality of schools?
Is it one parent households?
If all the self-aware songs from the Sixties didn't solve all the world's problems, Rap cannot cause all the world's problems.
If children were doing their homework and participating in activities which would improve their lives, they wouldn't have time to watch many movies or many television shows.
If parents were to review, expand upon and correct their children's homework, it wouldn't matter what schools taught.
If families worked together to ensure the success of all, it wouldn't matter whether a family had one parent or two guiding it's children.
In all honesty, all kids have always had a poor work ethic.
The only difference is that, today, most parents have poor work ethics too.
Understanding the value of work has to be taught - it is not inherent.
But today's parents are too busy to teach their children.
Today's parents think that they are saving time when they do the work their kids have yet to learn instead of taking the time and effort required to pass skills and knowledge from one generation to the next.
Teaching children takes W.O.R.K..
So the problem isn't that today's children are more lazy than in past generations (Kids have been born lazy since Adam had his first son.) - the problem is that parents are just too lazy (or selfish) to sacrifice and work to teach their children that which is beneficial.
I'm giving you a one man standing ovation. (Its hard to clap and type at the same time)
Well ain't that the truth. Fat moms have a problem changing their diet to make a good example for their fat kids. The real problem is the fat mom probably wasn't a fat kid so GOD knows what's going to happen when these kids hit 30 they are going to be dropping dead.
True in many cases. I'll add that a lot parents don't let their kids go outside to play, or kick them out enough when they are clearly OD'ing on video games. Sometimes that's a rough neighborhood issue, but often it's the parent turning the child into the equivalent of a house cat.
Mine fortunately are trim and have also spent more time outside riding bikes, playing ball, skateboarding (my son only), and jumping rope (daughter only). Summer time was robust outdoor camp time. Sports a necessity in school, although sadly my son got kicked off the football team over low grades, which made going to school even less appealing, and it was downhill from there.
Anyway, great post.
Hell brother, it's all of the above and the incessant belief that there is something wrong with beating your children. Spare the rod, spoil the child.
Children need loving attentive parent and a pound or two of discipline.
Once again you have hit the nail on the head. Politicians are afraid to call out parents because they vote (so they say). Sure there are bad teachers, and crowded schools but good parents hold institutions accountable. The squeaky wheel gets the oil...
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