One of the shows I catch is Desperate Housewives.
I saw the first episode and thought, "WTF?".
I had hoped that it was a modern version of David Lynch's Twin Peaks.
Maybe it is, but mixed with a little Sex in the City.
It's a chick show but still kind of funny.

But this choice never made sense to me.
Ms Woodard isn't really that ugly but she never seemed to fit in with the rest of the show's cast.

Ms Woodard just came across as a token.
Vanessa Williams on Desperate Housewives?
Yeah... now that's a good fit.
I LIKE that pose pose with the red cotton. Will most definitely have to try it one day.
She looks stunning, womanly perfection.
I can't even come up with any social commentary seeing as I was thinking about Vanessa Williams on my way to work today. That picture just shut me down for the next half hour. Thank you! (both sarcastically and appreciatively)
How about instead of shuffling the cast, they just cancel the show and add some "flavor" to the show Modern Family.
Next time brother, less bullshit pictures and more pictures of Vanessa please. The one wear she's sticking her tongue in the other chick's ass is a personal favorite of mine.
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