But when oil was discovered and processed at the nearby Spindletop site - the "oil pond" disappeared.

Many down here work at (or have worked at) refineries and understand the costs and dangers associated with the oil industry.
BP just effed-up.
Initial reports were of a small leak, then a medium leak and now reports are that the recent leak has turned into a full-blown spill made up of, not one, but three leaks.

Wouldn't it have been easier to contain a spill that only covered a few square miles instead of lying and waiting until the spill became unmanageable?
Shouldn't the company have told the truth about the size of the problem and immediately deployed floating booms, skimmers and chemical dispersants?
If the scope of the problem was known from the start - there were more than enough resources available nearby to have mitigated the damage done by this spill.
BP effed up? I don't think so. It really doesn't matter what BP does or doesn't do its liability for environmental damage is capped at 75 million dollars. BP probably makes that in a half a day. And if those on the gulf coast sue BP, it will just tie up the suit for the next 50 years with appeal after appeal.
Big oil companies can't lose, even when it seems like they shopuld.
BP keeps doubling down on their incompetence and indifference. However, they have operated the same way for so long, I don't think they even know how to be straight-forward in their business dealings. But I think there will be some heavy consequences behind this last little mishap.
HAs it been determined when they knew the extent of the leaks?
Most of us don't realize our mistakes till its too late.
What if this oil leak helps BP's bottom line in the end? Profit has always been a huge incentive for major companies to not report major problems.
All I know is that shrimp and crawfish and crab are gonna be as expensive as hell this summer!!!
If anyone ought to be mad it ought to be Red Lobster!!!
@Reggie - Nope you are going to get Shrimp, Crawfish and Crab from China and I know because I already started bringing them in. Hooray for China another thing you don't know they make.
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