As I visit the homes of those I help out - I notice that many of these people spend their days watching
The Young and the Restless, the judges, and daytime talk shows.
As Oprah is poised to give up her daytime crown - what format will usher in the beginning of a new era in daytime television?

Before The O - daytime television was dominated by a more newsy Phil Donahue.
But as audiences became more interested in the dirty laundry of others.
Shows hosted by Rikki Lake, Sally Jessie Raphael, Montel Williams, Jenny Jones and Geraldo Rivera became commonplace.

But even these shows failed to push the envelope far enough to satisfy an audience enthralled by the salacious details of other's lives.
"You are NOT the father!", seems to be the best news a guy can hear on daytime television today.

As Universal/NBC has moved the taping of it's three popular syndicated talk shows (
Jerry Springer, and
Steve Wilkos) to Stamford, Connecticut to lower it's production costs - has Stamford become the clearing house for those from the hood, barrio or trailer park to grab their fifteen minutes of fame?
Is Stamford now the new "Worst Place on Earth"?
With Oprah's eminent retirement - are Baby Mama Drama, Toothless Trailer Park Hookers, and guessing the gender of a "woman" the new paradigm of daytime television?
I was sitting across from a woman on the train today trying to guess her gender. I'm just about convinced she was a he. Sadly she had a scarf wrapped around her neck so that I couldn't check for an adam's apple.
Wait, I thought TMZ claimed Ms. Forehead, er.... Tyra was taking Oprah's place.
Dude these shows are absolutely awful!!!
Dude these shows are absolutely awful!!!
How about Stamford now is going to be ground zero for cheap shows. If I was trying to break into the reality shows angle I would go there to produce or get behind the camera.
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