Since when did we need a prescription for fish oil?
Apparently the makers of Lovaza felt that they could get a patent on a readily available (and relatively cheap) source of Omega-3 Acid and market it as being better than a more natural source.
But this should be expected.
I have a young cousin who was diagnosed with ADHD.
After I noticed him being nauseous and lethargic I took him off of his medications.
Instead I changed his diet
and forced him to live a more structured life.
After he knew his routine by rote, he had no need for medications in order to focus on any given task.
Even as a young adult he still has to manage his diet, sleep cycle and daily routine.
But which is better - medications or a healthy life?
One of the elderly blind women I check on was suffering from headaches caused by her high blood pressure.
Instead of remaining on her newly prescribed medications, I taught her family how to cook with less salt and to eat less processed foods.
Since these foods can raise ones blood pressure, the elimination of such foods should have helped her maintain more healthy levels.
Should her doctor also have known this?
But he never bothered to ask her family members about any contributing factors which have been causing her headaches.
Instead, he just wrote out another prescription.
Do I go to the doctor?
But only for advice on what to do (eat) and for help when I seem to have done it wrong.
Man! I agree. the doctors almost killed my mommy giving her wrong medications. You go to the doctor wanting to get help or fixed. They either slap a bandaid on it or make it worse! HEalthy living is the best way to go!
I get my checkup as usual on time but so much of my diet has changed he just tells me to keep doing what I'm doing. I cut salt out of my diet because High Blood Pressure runs in the family, I do a aerobic workout 2 times a day and I damn near cut out all meat except some marinated chicken.
I really think people should go to a dietitian and a cook who can make healthy taste better. People go from BBQ to rice cakes and that's why they can't stick to it.
The other side of this "healthy living" equation gots issues too.....,
Amen to healthy living. I just wonder where the fish oil will come from in the near future given the situation in the Gulf. If Big Pharma is patenting their brand of it, bet we'd never know. Stock up now.
BTW, in my area the price of frozen shrimp doubled in the past few days.
Doctors just "practice" medicine. They give people medicine based on the most likely outcomes given who and what the patient is, they play the numbers game.
I've had doctors look at me and say completely erroneous shit; and a few months back, doctors damned near killed my mother.
The right diet and an appropriate amount of exercise go a long way.......a long long way.
Despite that......I'm still going meatless in the month of June, Brother John.
@ SeeNew - I'm not DeeVee.
I'll eat a nice steak or some pork chops a couple times a week.
If you gotta' take that many suplements, your diet is probably lacking in basic nutrients.
But I do think their may be something to the proper mix of foods (Red meat with acidic fruits or veggies, using olive oil instead of butter or Crisco,...).
You gotta' eat - but the over dependence on 'quick and easy' seems to have become 'quick and deadly'.
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