Well... If you happen to be a student at Morgan Hill High School in California - you could get kicked out of school.
According to the 2000 census, Morgan Hill was 27.5% Latino/Hispanic.
More recent 2007 stats show an increase to 31.3%.
Has being politically correct infringed upon the rights of students to show loyalty to the country in which they reside?

No Roger, it would be similar to kids wearing an American flag t-shirt on Columbus Day, St. Patrick's Day or Juneteenth.
But then again - no one would see these as being racist or anti-(fill in ethnic group here).
I think it depends on what their intent was. Were they trying to make some sort of 'this is America not Mexico' point? How was it that on that particular day several White students decided to wear American flag Tees?
Need more info I think.
I think their intent WAS racist but the act itself was not.
First I didn't know Ebert was still alive! Second why is there always an uproar about what kids do to protest? I mean it doesn't hurt anyone for a bunch of kids to do anything except when you get some over zealous loser movie critic posting about it on their dumb ass twitter page.
This was an obviously provocative act intended to incite those celebrating Cinco De Mayo, which could and almost did lead to violence at a school full of children. It is the school's highest mission to keep its students safe and set rules and take actions that do so. Schools set other rules about what you can and can't do on campus which are otherwise legal in the community. It would have been irresponsible if they did not take action given the context and circumstances of the situation. However, perhaps celebrations involving the campus should have also been muted. It should not be illegal to wear flag shirts to school, but under certain circumstances and conditions school officials have a duty to do what is necessary to protect all of their students.
Its great to be patriotic, its not OK to be a jerk.
Those kids were trying to be jerks. the two don't have to be synonomous... unless you are on TV/radio, then they do.
According to one news report groups of white kids have been doing this at the school for years with the intent to provoke the Latino students on Cinco De Mayo. Instead of belittling Roger Ebert who is in fact an excellent writer and a cancer survivor--perhaps you should research the history behind this current event. The kids with the American flag shirts were essentially saying this is 'White America' and screw everybody else. And that includes their token half-white and half-Mexican friend that was with them in their crew. Why would you or anyone want to defend that reactionary, racist nonsense on any level?
Some people just aren't deep thinkers. There isn't a day on the calendar in this country where an American citizen should have a problem with another American citizen wearing a representation of our nations flag on their person.
Someone apparently needs an enema.
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