People who assume that it is some sort of affectation just don't get it.

What they imagine it to be is the image shown them by the popular media.
(But they have no experience with it themselves.)

Each genre rejected the rules and limitations which were accepted by those who came before them in favor of the rules and limitations determined by themselves.
Poor kids often have Swagger.
Because they have to.
Think about the coolest kids in school.
No, not the rich kids - but those who are still respected without the need (ability) to wear their status on the breast area of their shirts as though the label could act as some form of armour to ward off their insecurities.
No, it's best shown by those who refuse to be defined by their economic status.
It's shown by those who can make something from nothing.
Why are seven year old suburban girls, little babies and Chinese kids dancing to All The Single Ladies as though they were working the pole at the Spearmint Rhino?
Why do suburban kids wear baggy clothing.
Why do suburban kids and newscasters attempt to speak in Ebonics when trying to sound relevant?
Why do more suburban kids know more words from Weezy than they do from Rush Limbaugh?
Why do suburban racists still get exited about running into Jay-Z, Kobe or Oprah at the airport?
Swagger transcends economics.
The coolest kids in school were usually the biggest sports stars.
Many of these kids came from less than desirable neighborhoods and were from less than desirable (for some) ethnic groups.
Many of these kids could also fight.
Many of these kids were the most dominant and feared kids in their school yard social settings.
As others tried to emulate their appearance and actions in an attempt to feign the same dominance - many kids unknowingly spread the influence of the hood to the suburbs.
But what was an affectation for one group of imitators was a necessity for the originals.
Think about today's clothing styles and your childhood.
Much of what we had to wear in tough times is what many of today's kids choose to wear in better times.
We used to slab to make it look as though our pants weren't flooding.
We used to keep our hair short and properly lined because keeping a Shag or Jherri Curl was too expensive.
We had baggy clothes because our older siblings passed them down that way and we hadn't grown into them yet.
We used to keep our shoes clean and white because they may have had to last us the whole school year while also serving as our dress shoes.
But as long as one wasn't a bitch, could play sports, had good jokes about another person, could get the girls and could at least pass most of their classes - that kid could be cool even though they may have been broke.
In most cases, the better off kids would pay for everything in order to be friends with the dominant kids.
The dominant kids knew this and would walk in the confidence of being dominant without even having to put forth much effort.
These kids showed true Swagger.
The kids who bought the right clothes, said the right things and walked the right walk in an effort to appear the same as those to whom Swagger came by necessity (and naturally) will never understand Swagger.
To them, Swagger is as unreachable a goal as having a longer penis.
You have damn near perfectly outlined the genesis of the Peacock/Peahen Spectacle.
One of my colleagues went up to the University of Iowa for graduation ceremonies for her nephew this past weekend. She was telling me about it yesterday and noted that of the many, many degrees awarded in engineering, mathematics, and the hard sciences, not a single one went to a negro recipient.
There was a smattering of African recipients of hard degrees, but none of us.
Curious, in your estimation, did this cat here have "swagger"?
This carries over to other groups, even when you completely remove race.
Bull riders have swagger.
I tell you what, If I see one more lumberjack immitating hipster, sipping $5 coffee dressed in flannel and sporting a beard and work boots... reading Niche.
military swagger is undeniable...,
goes a long way to mask the underlying psychotic enterprise which all the spiffy ritual is intended to diguise.
@ SeeNew - That cat there?
Hard question.
I guess he did when declined to follow the order to murder prisoners - which would lower his status within his how social group.
Kind of like the guy who placed a towel before the jump line for Jessie Owens.
That guy wanted to win because he was better not because the judges were cheating in his favor.
Honor, humility, honesty, etc. are all better examples of true "Swagger" than the affectational peacock-like strutting of those who imagine it to be about the clothes.
I have a couple of female cousins who are engineers (I don't know which discipline).
They actually know their subject and actually have an education instead of just a degree.
Education with knowledge = Swageer
Degree withoout understanding = swagger
@ brohammas - Yep.
But that's the thing.
I know old guys who appear to have nothing, who know who they are and what they can do, who have more real Swagger than the fake wanna-be guy who flashes everything he's only making payments on.
@ SeeNew - As troops have been reduced to being unthinking replaceable parts - is it still true that military men have Swagger?
Uncle John, given the Full Spectrum Dominance/Drone Force plan being aggressively and continuously advanced under the preznit, there won't be much need for guts and glory psychopaths swaddled in pomp and swagger.
Just PTSD-free video game playing boys in the basement at Langley and elsewhere getting their swerve on and logistical and supply chain intermediaries required to deliver, deploy, repair, reload, and support the drone force.
Have you peeped Boeing's new jawn yet?
I've got a large penis but I don't have any swagga.......I'm cool with it.
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