As lawmakers in Texas are attempting to rewrite history to put a more favorable spin on European brutalities, and lawmakers in Arizona are attempting to do away with Ethnic Studies courses at it's public schools - there may be a way to get around this foolishness.

The budget for textbooks in Texas is expected to be more than 1.4 billion dollars over the next few years for 5,600,000 students.
Let's see - 1,400,000,000/5,600,00=250.
A new Kindle on Amazon costs $259 with free two-day shipping.
Apparently some in San Antonio Texas have noticed this (long-term) savings with open-source materials as well.
The book "Lies My Teacher Told Me", which is available on Kindle, has a great section explaining how Texas' purchasing power has influenced the way post civil war history is written about in text books and how the whole country is consequentially missinformed.
I say no period in history sheds more light on modern race relations than reconstruction and its end.
The fact that Texas officials are adamant about replacing the narrative that the civil war began because of slavery with the narrative that the civil war was started over state's rights.
That right there, should tell you just what kind of citizenry (politically, socially, ideologically) Texas is trying to produce from the children who receive an education in that state.
^Are you saying the Civil War was started over slavery as a moral issue and state's rights played no part?
There those backwards ass rednecks go, clutching their bibles and their guns...............
....rewriting history. I can't wait to see how it turns out this time. Maybe this time the black man will get a fair shake?!?
It was started over THE state right to own slaves. Morality aside, it was that one issue, no matter how one spins it.
If you read each states declaration of succession they almost all state slavery as the reason. They said it was the reason then... why would we say different now?
Don't mess with Texas!
This History Re-Write is going to go Nationwide..This is just the beginning.
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