My girl forced me to watch The Real Hoodrats finale.
Lisa - Okay, I could deal with her. She seems to be able to work with whatever condition arises. When she had to downsize, she just looked for the potential in the situation. The woman understands that she and her husband are a team.
Kandi - Maybe she lucked out of a bad situation. Not to be mean but she seems as though she could do better than a man with eight kids by ten baby momma.
Sheree' - Her fashion line was choppy. It was just a bunch of pieces - not cohesive collection. I like her fitness level but the bitch would get on my nerves.
Kim - Bitch please. Fake hair, fake tiddies - you're the most ghetto of the bunch.
Except for Nene - I guess every show needs an Amorosa character.
LMBAO, now you admit your addiction to the show. See you were shocked when I said I watched the show. HiJacked my ass, you popped some popcorn and sat on your floor pillow UBJ!
Oh yeah that was only Part 1! Part 2 is on next week so that gives you 7 days to organize your group! LMBAO
Nah... that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Stick to it but your breakdown of each character seems to be to detailed to be just from 2 episodes! HMMMMMMmmmmmm
Yes, you are busted. This is not the first time you have written about H's of ATL. I haven't been to your blog in a long time and you were writing about them back then (before any mention of your "girl forcing" you to watch). You are a fan dude, just admit.
You probably secretly like Tyler Perry too!
@ DPizz - Nah... it's just like watching a car accident.
TP? Nah, the line is drawn on this side of annoying real women.
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