If a hologram can store 3-D information on a 2-D surface....

Would the addition of a Sixth Sense fluid interface system enable us three dimensional people to store information of a fourth or fifth dimension?
If we could live beyond the fourth (time) dimension - could time travel ever be possible?
But an increasing level of ergodism is pregnant with its own possible cultural rewards.....,
I say yes. This is why I believe that "Time Travel," will manifest itself as a supreme disappointment. If you think about it, The Internet - as an organism - is always evolving and changing giving it the 4 dimensional existence. If you believe that the 5th dimension is Perspective, then the fact that your dead friends still have crisp myspace profiles, makes the flux capacitor seem imprudent. If you propose that storing information would lead to a means of time travel, then I agree, in a sort of books-can-take-you-anywhere sense. On the other hand, I know some hippies who think that time travel will be invented in the year 2012, which is why the Mayan calendar runs out: time stops moving linearly. If you’d like to cling to that one… be my guest.
Would the addition of a Sixth Sense fluid interface system enable us three dimensional people to store information of a fourth or fifth dimension?
Pondering music as pattern perception and organization - concentrating on the cognitive aspects of music as structures in time, as opposed to merely appreciating its aesthetic and psychological qualities - might prove a fruitful avenue of inquiry.
I was thinking that tachions (if they exist) could be just be a medium used to transport information.
If this information could be re-coded to influence the past, present and future - maybe time travel would be more psychological than physical.
Take a look at the Feynman Lectures on Computation
Addison Wesley
ISBN 0-20148991-0
All good, but particularly the sections on Charles Bennett and the energy value of information.
Da (at your spot) suggested that dark matter could be information.
But IMO - it's really potential information.
Being both and neither |+/-|.
By the way...
I knew you'd eventually assign more homework.
Just checked out the site - easily weeks worth of reading.
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