But the one number I seem to notice more than most is "444".
What is it's significance?
Before I moved to Texas, I'd always wake up at 4:44.
Regardless of what time I'd go to bed, "4:44" (am or pm) seemed to always to be the time I'd look at a clock.
This coincidence caused me to imagine it's significance.
The night before I found out I was coming to Texas - I took a walk on the local golf course to clear my head.
As I was walking, I found three balls that had been lost during someones play.
Three golf balls that all had the numeral "4" imprinted upon them.
Not all in one place, but spread across the length of three or four holes.
Later that night, my boy Turtle and I were headed out for another usual night of drinking, gambling and hoing.
As I noticed an oncoming thunder storm, "Some one is going to die tonight", I said.
"Maybe we should just have people over", my boy said.
"No foolio, not one of us. But someone we we know.", I said.
"Oh, that happens all the time.", he said.
"No, someone close to one of us.", was my reply.
"The next time we talk, one of us will mention that so-and-so died this night." I continued and then forgot all about it.
After a night on the town, I fell into a deep sleep that was filled with lucid dreams.
In this night's dreams, I would find myself in a Big Band Swing Club filled with people I'd known but who'd since passed away.
As I was dancing with some baad bodied-up girl I didn't know and enjoying a conversation with my departed grandfather - "But you better get out before the clock strikes four, because there's always room for just one more." was the lyric to the song the band leader was singing.
At this time my grandfather kicked me in the ass to quickly remove me from the dance floor.
I had wanted to stay a bit longer to have imagined conversations with friends I hadn't seen since they were alive.
But my grandfather forced me to leave the dance floor.
At this time, my grandmother joined my grandfather in a routine that would impress even Cab Calloway.
Later, I would awaken to news from my sister that my grandmother had passed away in the early hours of that morning.
Later still, I would inform my boy of my need to fly to Texas to handle the probating of a will because someone had actually died on the night I seemed to possess the gift of prescience.
Coincidence? Probably.
On the night of Obama's election - I commented that Obama would win because he would be the 44th President if elected in an election that would take place on the forth.
"444" again.
Since he'd noticed a painting in my home with a (not so) hidden 444 as a backdrop - he'd asked of it's significance.
When I retold the above story, he just stored it in his memory.
After Obama won, he'd reminded me of my fascination with the number and asked if numerology was real.
Shortly after, he would find himself checking the mail at his grandmothers house.
The clock in her car read "4:44".
"I'm going to get some money in the mail", he exclaimed.
"You don't have anyone who owes you money." she said.
Sure enough, he received a check in the mail.
"4" points on a compass.
"4" walls to rooms.
"4" phases of the moon.
"4" Beasts in Daniel.
"4" Gospels.
What is up with "4"?
Then I was looking up quotes for the above post -
John 4:44 (KJV) - For Jesus himself testified, that a prophet has no honor in his own land."
That was the kicker.
It semmed to be screaming at me, "John 4:44!.".
Maybe I belong in this seemingly God forsaken city.
Maybe "444" was my destiny after all.
I don't know to tell you the truth about numerology. I believe if you keep looking and digging you can find enough unrelated instances to see a pattern. Since you are kind of hung up on 444 then you see it more. It's like seeing a car you want all over the place when previously your mind ignored them.
How about life brought your here primarily of family but now you have developed another reason to stick around!
Oh, I know.
But coming to Texas (a place I hate) to try to be a "prophet" and then looking up tp see "John 4:44!" and to what it referred?
Damn... that is kind of freaky.
You lost me on the Obama bit - if McCain had won instead, it would have been the same thing - he also would have been the 44th prez in an election held on the 4th.
Regarding numerology, according to the way it really works, all such raw numbers must be added to get their true number. Your 444 is therefore 12, which becomes a 3. So proceed from there.
I pointed out the same thing to Jim Carrey's people from the movie "23," wherein they did not emphasize, as they should have, that they were really only talking about number 5.
They told me bluntly, "We were cashing in on some already-known public interest in the number 23 - nobody would go to a movie called '5'. But thanks, anyway." Gotta love Hollywood!
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