The Rams should be used to such controversy.

In the world of Los Angeles sports, Ms. Frontiere's unpopularity could only have been rivaled by...
Al Campanis - who told Ted Koppel that most Blacks may lack some of the skills to be managers at the Major League level.

Ms. Schott was quoted as making derogatory statements towards Blacks, Jews and other minorities.
She even claimed to have sympathy for Hitler.
Let's see...
A Conservative who tosses around references to Hitler + one who makes racist remarks in public + a controversy involving the ownership of the Rams = Rush Limbaugh being an owner of the Rams.
Yeah... this deal will go through. It seems to be the completion of a cycle.
No one is really a fan of Rush especially in one of the most integrated American pastimes.
I forgot about ol' Marge--she was sure a piece of work, lol.
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