Gary, Indiana 84.0%
Detroit, Mich. 81.6%
Birmingham, Ala. 73.5%
Jackson, Miss. 70.6%
New Orleans, LA 67%.3
Baltimore, MD 64.%3
Atlanta, GA 61.4%
Memphis, Tenn. 61.4%
Washington, D.C. 60.0%
Richmond, VA 57.2%
The Best Places For Blacks To Live (Black Enterprise 2004)
1 Atlanta, GA
2 Washington, D.C.
3 Dallas, Texas
4 Nashville, Tenn
5 Houston, Texas
6 Charlotte, NC
7 Birmingham, Ala
8 Memphis, Tenn
9 Columbus, Ohio
10 Baltimore, MD
Atlanta, Washington D.C., Birmingham, Memphis, and Baltimore make both lists.
Only half of the Blackest Cities also are good places for Blacks (or any others) to live.
So it would appear that being a "Chocolate City" isn't necessarily the main qualification for being the best place to live.
What is the difference between the Black Cities that make both lists and those that don't?
The presence of Black people doesn't seem to make or break a city - so what does?
IMO- White Flight was largely accompanied by Black Flight - when most of the better educated and more financially, socially and culturally stable residents moved to the more affluent sprawling suburbs to chase the American Dream.
This left only those who were unable (or unwilling) to do better in cities that may have once flourished.
Just look at the hood.
Many of these areas were once thriving communities.
But what changed?
As more people became exposed to a life better than what they were used to - many decided to pursue that life.
This left those without means (or volition) to make the best out of what others left behind.
As these areas became more depressed and affordable - they attracted others who were without means.
In other words - The hood created (and grew) itself.
So... Can the hood (or these cities) be saved?
Are they worth saving?
I didn't know Colombus was like that. I rolled through there but felt I was at a pit stop. Also, it's in the shadow of Ohio State isn't that interesting.
I would really have to do some research on what industries are in these towns to see if it's really viable. But in any case I agree with your hypothesis that Black flight is the same for any group when it's tied to intelligence and means.
A deep concentration on education could change it but you still would have some flight. Sooner or later someone will see the potential in where they are and build there but who knows how many decades that will take before you hit critical mass!
With most cities, one of the determinant factors to necessary survival is industry. Being that I live in Memphis T I can see why it would make the list as one of the best cities for Black people.
This city has it's share of problems like any other city. But with it being the distribution capital of the country. It offers many opportunities for Black professionals and otherwise. This would also explain how drastically the city has incorporated segments of the county. In short, it's about money and tax revenue.
Another criteria is based on blacks ability to make a living whether it is employment thru a company or self employment. My city Charlotte is on the list. This is the twist - I hear middle class and upper middle class blacks say positive things about charlotte minus the entertainment. Lower Middle Class Blacks complain about how racist the city is. Who is in a better position to benefit financially?
These percentages should be noted as being the numbers of what is often the "core cities" in a metro area. While indeed Atlanta proper has a high percentage of Black people it is only because the large landmass of "Metro-Atlanta" has a diversity of other races.
In the core city there are places where poor Black people live which are violent, unproductive and their school are generating yet another generation that will "rinse and repeat".
Sadly these areas of the city are little more than "vote harvesting grounds" where the Black establishment seeks to keep them passified and fighting to keep Black folks elected in the context of the perpetual fight against WHITE FOLKS.
This does not translate into EMPOWERMENT. The evidence is clear.
I have coined the term "The Black Flight Progressive" to describe another phenomenon. These are otherwise progressive people who exit the progressive core city and the "first ring city" that has turned Black/Hispanic/lower middle class - MOVING FURTHER OUT - just like the WHITE FOLKS who did so about 10 years earlier.
These White folks were called "racists" when they moved away. The "Black Flight Progressive" escapes such labeling.
He is in tune with his PERMANENT INTERESTS in the way of schools, public safety and home values and thus he does not mind living next to his ideological enemies. Yet he is unwilling to come face to face with these facts and apply these standards TO THE CORE, MAJORITY BLACK CITY where the "Black folks" live.
What concerns me the most is that the POLITICAL/IDEOLOGICAL domination of these places have not translated into more universal:
* Economic Prosperity
* Academic Attainment
* Public Safety
* Favorable Health Outcomes
beyond the "pride" of seeing Black elected official's portraits on the wall - many promises have yet to be delivered. The establishment suffers little risk to their seats despite these conditions.
Despite having "control over the land" that once were the center of our political and racial fights - "victory" has not translated into INDEPENDENCE. The "flight" is necessary because those who produce jobs also left the city borders.
UBJ, you make a point that is often overlooked: Ghettos do not appear from nowhere, but they are made over a period of time.
Take for example my home city of Memphis, Tennessee. When we moved into our neighborhood when I was seven, it was still predominantly white, and it was considered a step up for us. However, by the time I left home at age 17, it was straight 'hood.
What happened during that period of time was that the white people quickly moved out and as they did, property values spiraled down allowing for others with less means to move in.
Now I am told that Memphis faces severe financial problems. While many prosperous blacks work in the Memphis area, in the evenings they return to the suburbs surrounding the city and take their tax revenue, which goes to the counties in which they live, with them.
But it is imperative that we work to restore these inner cities. If we do not, we create two separate societies. One that lives in the prosperous suburbs and one that leaves in the decaying shell of the inner city.
[quote]What happened during that period of time was that the white people quickly moved out and as they did, property values spiraled down allowing for others with less means to move in.
Max Reddick:
Last year's "20/20" that did a detailed review about Memphis because of its highest "Infant Mortality Rate" in the nation detailed the situation that you described. Indeed White folks have moved out of the city proper into the suburbs. In the face of the crisis a White pastor told his White flock in the suburbs that they have a crisis among their entire community and that they must go back to the places that they have vacated and provide support to those in need. (the proverbial "Least of These").
It was the "time and motion" study of the Blacks who were in crisis that detailed WHY they were in crisis. They featured a young Black woman who was pregnant at the time. A White woman who was affilated with the church in question had befriended her. They both had to span their own cultural and social norms in order to build trust with each other.
I, as a Black man, noted that the WHITE WOMAN had to abandon her standards (she NEVER would have allowed her own daughters to live as the pregnant Black woman does - getting pregnant by the neighborhood player) and operate in a non-judgmental state so that she could provide NO-FAULT HELP to the woman who was in front of her and in need of help.
They featured the father of the child. He was irresponsible. He spent more money on his custom car than he did with his daughter. He had several babies around the community and was not interested in forming a relationship with this present female who had his child. Sadly he, a drug dealer, was shot dead in the midst of the long term documentary of his baby-momma.
Thus my frustration with calls that "Black people move back in and help out the ghetto" is that it NEVER assumes a basic EQUALITY upon all Black people. Many of you can clearly articulate what "Black folks who have GOTTEN THERE'S" must do to HELP THE RACE.
The same amount of you can't detail ANYTHING that you expect in racial terms among those Blacks whi you call "The Least Of These".
I struggle to understand how MY BLACKNESS calls upon me to do more for my race than any other man who has the same skin.
In truth this is nothing more than "the Talented 10th" theory and the flaws that is contained within.
Some Blacks in the establishment are content with building a strong central leadership and have the grieving masses at the edge LOYAL and UNIFIED - never questioning the leadership but constantly battling those forces who those who control our institutions tell us that are enemies are.
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