Damn... I knew USC was in trouble when the fell behind early in the game.
Unlike past years - this year's Trojan team usually starts fast and finishes slow.
This game was over before halftime.
Maybe I should move to Philly.
L.A. had two teams fighting for pennants - and both choked.
This Trojan loss was a terribly frightful way to end the week for any L.A. sports fan.
1 Florida - Embarrassed Georgia.
2 Alabama - Idle
3 Texas - Spanked Oklahoma St.
4 Iowa - Oh..... it doesn't even matter that they, along with TCU, Boise St., and Cincy, won.
My season is over.
Maybe the Trojans will enjoy being in the Holiday Bowl.
Man I could feel the loss coming in the 1st quarter. I turned that shit off right away and watched the NBA instead.
I just left and helped my little cousin work on his left handed dribbling for the upcoming season.
Anything to get my mind off of USC losing.
Maybe brohammas will see Boise St. in the Championship game after all.
ya know I was switching back and forth between USC and the Phillies.
I almost sent you a string of timely, taunting, emails but refrained.
Ya know USC's loss to Oregon is the best thing to happen to the U of U this season. Thanks for the help Trojans!
I'm tellin ya, those boys in Boise got are sneakin up on everbody... AGAIN!
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