She's cute in a Paula Patton kind of way.
The girl works two jobs and is looking to make extra money as a cocktail waitress (her third job) to make sure her teen aged sons have their needs met.
She told me all this almost apologetically when she worked her first day at the club.
She was embarrassed for working three jobs to take care of her family?
She felt that the others on the staff would look down on her for working so hard when so many other women who frequent these clubs game the system or rely on their baby daddies for a monthly check.
But I like this girl.
Not to date but to help.
I asked her if she needed someone to teach her boys construction skills.
"Not until the summer. School comes first.", she answered.
This response almost guaranteed her my watchful eye and best efforts - as my disdain for hood rats is equaled out by my love for good mothers.
This is the tragedy of single parenthood.. or poverty.
By working three jobs to meet the kid's needs, the most fundamental need is being neglected. Studies actually show that the one thing a parent can do that has the biggest affect, almost the only thing they can do above passing along DNA, is give attention and persistent affection.
Good on her for her hard work, she is by far above most everyone else, but sad that what the boys likely need most, they are getting shorted on.
Which is why I offered to help her. Given more money and time to spend on her kids she should do well.
But she has the most basic trait for making ones life better - the volition to make things better instead of waiting for someone else to fix it.
Hmmm, interesting article....However, I in turn like good fathers who know how to take care of their babies and children and how to BE a man.
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