Who even reads "Black" magazine anymore?
Gone are the days when Ebony, Jet and Essence were the source for Black news and information.
Gone are the days when barbershop and beauty parlor waiting areas were littered with old, dirty and outdated copies of these magazines.
Essence stopped being a "Black" magazine years ago.
1968 - Founded and published by Edward Lewis, Cecil Hollingsworth, Jonathan Blout and Denise M. Clark to serve the Black community.
2000 - 49% stake sold to Time Inc..
2008 - Time buys remaining 51%.
For multimedia corporations, it's all about profitability.
Well like BET, Essence has moved on. Telemnudo is owned by NBC.. So I guess the white man feels he can run the stations and pump out the messages of another ethnicity.
Isn't it funny that people will say it's alright but as soon as a Black President gets elected the white people come out and say NO!
The hypocrisy of it is very plain and simple but since most people without power just accept shit then they'll eat shit!
The funny thing about these magazines is that they don't have any news or interesting articles.
The cousin I mentioned teaching to read at your spot was so bored yesterday that he wanted to read.
But his mother had no books in her home - only Essence magazine.
"Why would I read this?", he said, "I can watch this on BET.".
It's a shame when these magazines are even too simple for a semi-literate teenager.
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