Under the current circumstances - it' not that Obama is doing a
bad job, only that he is not doing a
great job.
Some Blacks argue that it is wrong for Blacks to criticize Obama's short tenure as POTUS.
Others feel that it is
our responsibility to criticize the job he's done.
I don't know... maybe the reactions have something to do with which generation one belongs.
Many older Blacks grew up under the philosophy of, "That's good... for a Black person.".
But most younger Blacks have a heightened level of expectation from those who would do what others said could not be done.

Most younger Blacks expect champions like Venus and Serena...

Not also-rans like Chanda Rubin.

Most younger Blacks expect the dominance of Oprah...

Not the Affirmative Action pity and Politically Correct praise heaped upon sloppy ass Mo'Nique.

Most younger Blacks expect the candor, strength and commitment of Malcolm X...

Not the jealous pandering of Jesse Jackson.

Most expect the groundbreaking and society changing success of Tiger Woods...

Not the humble capitulation of Lee Elder.

Most younger Blacks have grown to expect one who changes the game like Jackie Robinson...

Not one who does more of the same like Larry Doby.
Obama's problem isn't that he is not a good President.
His only problem is that he is not a great President.
I tend to agree, UBJ. Young people have higher expectations. Older people have higher loyalty. It's interesting the way some are die hard riders for Obama. Then there are those who seem to vilify him unecessarily, in my opinion.
We knew he would be polarizing, but we didn't know it would be among us.
Well since I am part of the younger crowd I kind of buck the norm. I see Obama as being pretty good without flash. The Healthcare thing is pretty monumental and most presidents would cruise to reelection just off of that.
I think the younger generation watches so much sensationalized TV that they don't realize transforming figures are not the norm. So Obama did his transformational thing already by being elected. To me it's like asking Jesus to Save the World and then steer hurricanes around New Orleans. It's the straw that broke the camel's back with Obama.
We got a lot of insecure people around as if they don't get a compliment they think something is wrong with them. For the first time we got a personalized president for Black folks. I am sure they think when they write a letter Obama separates Black letters from everyone else's and says answer my people first.
Like I said he is Jackie Robinson. He already integrated baseball now him doing that and becoming the Homerun champion is pushing it. This is a case study on why smart people don't want to lead. The demands of the dumb are humongous especially when they assign you savior status. It's a good thing Jesus died or his followers would've killed him!
Perhaps you're right, because I was one of those voices of disgust and disappointment. But truth be told, he's done a fairly decent job this year. He's finally passed legislation over the last year that I wanted to see passed in the first year. I'm hopeful that the next two years will see more.
By the way, I didn't ever read that article in Ebony about the coolest mofos of all time. Shaft's gotta be on that list.....or ficticious mofos don't count?!?
Great post!
That was deep!! Damn you don't like Monique..ha ha ha
"Obama is going to have to deliver baby from a pregnant virgin while walking on water immediately after turning our national deficit into a surplus with a brush of his shoulder before I even begin think that he's a good president."
-Young Negro with expectations at hyperbolic levels
Obama is doing fine, which is what any good president does while he is president. Greatness comes with hindsight and perhaps successor that does a less than stellar job.
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