I have a neighbor who is always coming up with cheaper ways to do everything.
Some of his ideas are pretty lame but some could be turned into marketable products.
(No, the photo above was not one of his inventions - it was jack from the Internet.)
The thing is - most products were improvised solutions to existing problems.

When some from the larger demographic comes up with such a "solution", history will remember him as being a Macgyver-like pragmatist.

When I see a solution that someone else may call "Nigger Rigged" - I see a solution that I call, "African American Ingenuity" or a "Prototype for a Improvised Solution".
Bill Gates was the best (worst) Nigger Rigger on the planet.
Mr Gates created (stole) a product which wasn't new.
Mr Gates' product was just a platform which sat on top of the original OS and made it easier for regular people to use..

Did these guys "Nigger Rig" a form of transportation or were they working on a prototype for a car?

Did this guy 'invent' the first modern airplane in the West or did he just "Nigger Rig" a bicycle?

And don't even get me started on Bell or Edison or the first white guy who 'invented' a way to perform the first surgery on the human heart.
I always thought the term was, "jerry-rigged". I've never heard 'N word' rigged before.
Yeah, we always said "Jerry-rigged". We also went "doorbell ditching"... but we knew what the other name was, we just wouldnt say it.
Picasso said the greatest artists don't copy, they steal.
Uncle Black, I've heard the term many many times. In fact, one time, a white co-worker hit me with it. I excused him because he apparently thought I knew what it meant... and I did. I corrected him, but I didn't take it personally.
It's a colloquial form of expression that's somewhat more disdainful than "jerry-rig".
Your post was an eye-opener. I mean, Americans nigga-rigged history. Well, Columbus "discovered" america, right? And the Indian was the real savages, right? Had to get them out of here to build this great nation, right?
But UBJ, I like how you slanted this post :-)
You and I know the person that nigger rigs something, ain't trying to build on it. They're generally trying to use that thang until it falls to the ground. My shade tree machanic comes to mind.
However, you post was very thought provoking.
We called it 'ding-dong ditch'em'. What's the other term?
@ Val - (K)nigger Knocking.
Thanks UBJ, I couldnt have answered that the same way.
Wowzer, never heard that before either. I don't even get what that means?
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