But in saying that Tori Spelling (and her Frankenhead) and the wrecked Courtney Love are ugly - I'm not being racist. It's just my personal opinion regarding some one's looks.
Being a Black guy and saying such does not make me a racist.
Women play with their hair color and style as if changing their underwear.
Tyra, MJB, Beyonce' and Mariah changing to lighter foundations on their faces does not mean that they are trying to look white.
Check out SeeNew's boy "TurdEye" and his opinions concerning "Black Is Beautiful":

Is a woman who would buy this thing trying to look "More Black"?
Did this woman really not understand that the ass without the "hips option" just looks effed up?
Did Jessica Simpson try to come across as "More Black" by getting lip implants?
Or a tan and darker hair?

you need to be shot with hot pee for palming turdy off on me!!!
Ummmm... ugly is universal, maybe.
I have something I call the "Blossom effect"
It relates to that early 90's show "Blossom" that my little sisters always watched. If you watch it you will see this little pterydactile looking girl in all these situation like having two dates on a Friday night, or learning to be nice to the unpopular girl????
Seriously? how would this girl ever have two dates a year let alone in one night? The show was obviously written for a good looking girl and the actor chosen must have been related to the casting director (ala Tori Spelling). Hence the blossom effect, girls thinking and acting as if they are hot when they are simply related to someone in charge.
This is not to be confused with the Heffernan effect, which reffers to the sitcom advent of chunky funny guys being married to hot girls (King of Queens, George Lopez, etc.) This has less to do with nepotism than it does every man's hopes and dreams.
Sorry I digress.
does the Heffernan effect refer to Kevin Heffernan or is there another source?
good call on both of those non-digressive observations!
I never thought Tori Spelling was cute..but even less so recently. lol @ Frankenhead, priceless.
Courtney Love is a Train Wreck. Always has been. I don't think she has ever been attractive, but between the bleach and the drugs.. we'll surely never know. She and Amy Winehouse should be on the Anti-drug posters.
I laughed so hard at your butt pad pic. I have an ample behind, but one of my girlfriends does not. Her butt is so non-existant that she has a hard time filling her jeans. It's tragic really.. but not more tragic than the picture that follows. Wow is all I can say.
Lip implants are never a good idea. Yes, some poeple have thin lips. Yes, it's not really attractive.. But neither is looking like that last pic. Jesus. Who/What is that? And WHY?
Jennifer Garner had gum reduction done so that less gum and only teeth show when she smiles. Her top lip does look a lot fuller than her bottom lip, but at least on her, it looks better. Kudos to her surgeon.
Christina Aguilera used to be really pretty...
After reading this, I have decided to grow old gracefully.. lol thanks!
Here, here to aging gracefully. OMG what people do for vanity....they put the fug in fugly.
@ CNu - "Hot pee"? LMBAO
@ brohammas - And that Jim Belushi show, Drew Carey, and more.
But don't try to pass Blossom off as you "little sisters watching".
@ Of all the girls, I still like Christina. She's a hot mom!
@ Kat - Ditto.
cnulan, maybe late but "hefernan" is the last name of the character in King of Queens.
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