I gotta" stop reading Subrealism and FreemanPress.
When I stepped outside this past Monday evening - I saw this (only with a "frown").
One of the lights in the sky is Venus, one Jupiter and the other a crescent Moon.
It was a beautiful night, but the image just seemed odd.
I just know that I'm having Apocalyptic or Dystopic nightmares tonight.
Moon - (Selene, Artemus, Diana, Isis, Thoth, Hecate) - Fertility
Venus - (Lucifer, Aphrodite, Ishtar, Our Lady Mary) - The Creatrix
Jupiter - (Zeus, Thor, Wotan) - King Of the gods
In Kabbalistic mysticism (Jupiter) is the symbol of the angel Sachiel of the order of the Cherubim and is associated with the "new" age.
I'm not into astrology but WTF?
Don't blame your paranoia on me Man! I'm just doing the governments jobs of disseminating information to the masses so everyone can make their own informed decision. I just added a new section on the blog called THE BIGGER PICTURE and it has a all encompassing video that you might enjoy. This one has a solution so it just won't freak you out by itself. By the way astrology freaks me out too because even the Egyptians interpreted all that too. Either those Egyptians are just some amazing people or even the stuff they created to summarize the world is a MYTH too.
OH goody...the Gods are pleased :)
My wife told me about this conjunction last night, asked me if I'd seen it. Of course, I hadn't. If I'm not mistaken though, there are quite a few skyshows in store for us over the next month or two.
Oh lawd...
Oh lawd...
{shaking my head}
WOW! I saw this too and wondered if this was the same site the shepherds and wise men saw announcing the birth of Christ! Then I wondered what it all meant.
Wow! That was DEEP huh?
that was a kool arrangement the moon and planets. I have always been interested in astrology, watch the constellations move across the sky. This was a pretty site.
btw, the moon is Luna
You should have seen it in a darkened desert far away from light pollution. Only out there, it was at a different angle but just as mysterious, beautiful and awe-inspiring.
I'm talking about myself again. My astrological sign (if I believed it) is the Moon child so a full moon has always been my favourite thing to see.
It's beautiful, wish I would have seen it in person myself.
Yeah, subrealism always gives me a stiff injection of paranoia, lol.
I heard about it but did not get to see it. This is the only picture that I have seen of the event.
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