- Don't have a child with a white woman, they'll kill them.
- Don't let white people invest your money, they'll lose it all.
- Don't marry a white man, they'll go on killing sprees and kill their families and themselves.
- Don't marry a white woman, they'll fall from cruise ships or disappear.
- Don't let white people be fans of winning (or losing) teams, they'll riot.
- Don't elect a white president, they'll find a reason to start a war. They'll even create reasons why we should hate those of whom we have never met (making it easier to accept their extermination or oppression).
Really? Can we expect the country to fall apart (or thrive) solely because we now have a Black president?
Haven't homes recently become affordable for more people?
Hasn't the stock market been trading (at about 200 points one way or the other) around 8500 for the past three months?
Isn't gas cheaper now than before 911?
Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz - the power to change has always been in each (all) of us.
News, weather and sports have been replaced by hyperbole, conjecture and opinion.
Reporting the news has been replaced by sensationalized stories that create fear and anxiety. Even many bloggers create many problems where there were few.
Terror : the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. Miriam-Webster Online
But I still have hope.
We are a country that seems to love the Underdog.
We are a country that believes (hopes) that right will always win in the end.
If one has never felt like an underdog - they probably weren't trying hard enough. (Or were too selfish, or too small minded.)
If your goal was to make a million - your new goal should be two.
If your goal was to be the smartest man in the world - your new goal should be to teach the world.
If you wanted to be the richest man in the world - your new goal should be to save the world.
(This is why Bill Gates and Warren Buffet now give away BILLIONS!)
As we slay our giants, new battles arise.
"The Underdog" is the great person's constant state of being.
Why do so many worry about problems that won't effect them or that they have no means to rectify?
The stress is going to kill you.
Or someone who is too stressed is going to kill you.
The media is defintely a terrorist. So much misinformation is passed so easily through TV, magazines, radio, etc.
My beliefs are based on my experiences. If I haven't experienced it for myself, I generally don't have an opinion.
@RM - I'm not really afraid of white people (or anyone). It just seems that everything is blamed on Blacks.
But if we were to believe the media - WE are not the ones to be feared.
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