The Inbred Jeds were pointing out that Texas has one of the fastest growing economies in the country and no state income tax and an undervalued real estate market.
That Texas generates enough wealth to make it one of the largest economies in the world.
That Texas is home to many defence contractors, technology firms and much of the oil industry.
Many locals seem to imagine that Texas would be better off as it's own country without having to endure Obama as their president.
Many locals imagine themselves as Micheal after he left The Five - when in reality they are not even Jermaine, they'd be Tito.
Maybe they're correct.
If Texas were to leave - what would happen?
While Texas is home to many energy companies - many areas rely on an infrastructure which is owned by out of state firms.
What tax could be levied for providing electricity to a foreign country could Louisiana based Entergy charge?
Texans used more energy both per capita and as a whole.
Keeping this practice, how long would Texas' oil last?
Texas also has a large military presence.
If the Upper 49 closed these bases and took their supplies and personnel - Texas would have to start from scratch.
Would Haliburton, Bell Helicopters, Lockhead Martin or Raytheon really choose to remain in Texas with it's limited defence budget or would they move to the more profitable United States?
Could Texas really finance it's own aerospace industry?
Or would NASA just move it's headquarters to JPL in California?
How would Texas pay for these new burdens - by creating a state tax?
How would Texas provide for it's defense - by calling up the Minutemen?
How would Texas deal with this new massive unemployment - by having it's residents cross the northern border or by once again becoming part of Mexico?
How would Texas survive?
Upon pointing out that Texas does well because it benefits from being part of the United States - these Sister Daters still thought that Texas could function on it's own.
Stupid Texans.
Education is a problem down in Texas they like the dumb and backwards. The Don't mess with Texas pride shows that you are dealing with people who got that saying from a High School Pep rally.
Texas is where dreams go to die!
Drug smugglers could cut down on travel expenses because drugs would be the Texans new cash crop.
I could add to my resume by saying I went to boot camp in a foreign country.
Yep, that sounds impressive... "I studied abroad"
John John John
Now you know damned well that you can't have a rationale conversation with rednecks, they're not deep thinkers. Which is why the southern states seceded in the first place. They apparently forgot that all of the industry and most of the population was in the north (as well as most of the people with a full set of teeth).....which is why they got the shit kicked out of them during the American Civil War.
Don't try to explain that to them or they'll get that look on their faces like when you eat too much ice cream to quickly..........
Well Reggie, in reference to the Civil War, there was a WHOLE LOT of ass kicked going on. I mean, look at the thousands that died in one battle. And to a large degree, that was the norm. Do you know the number of people that died in the civil war? If not, you will be amazed at the death toll.
Those southerners may have been a little slow (in the opinion of some) but they were brave and they could fight.
The more I hear about this foolish secession talk, the more I'm inclined to say, "Let 'em do it!" Let them learn about what really goes into being a "whole 'nother country"! And when they come crawling back, the other 49 can ask the lone star (in that condescending manner), "Now, what did we learn?"
I agree with Mr. Noface... Anyone that thinks they can do better let them roll out. Tough talk and no action makes men look like chumps. There is not a state in the Union that could make it by themselves. I give them 2 months before they come crawling back.
If I'm not mistaken the death toll that's generally accepted by most experts was more than 600,000.
But then again, I'm a dork and I know such things.
Another reason why the south kicked so much ass during the civil war is because so much of the officer corps actually came from the south; and the reason they went north was to attend West Point. At one time, Robert E. Lee was the commandant at West Point and a slew of his generals at one time were his cadets........many of the northern generals too.
Our civil war is a fascinating study in human nature and the duality of man.
What's so wrong with Texas ?? I mean we are the best y'all are freakin' retarded. We don't date our sisters!!!! maybe are cousins but thats Arkansas .... And really DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS .... REBEL PRIDE !!
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