John McCain seemed to be easily agitated while listening to Barak Obama's answers.
Neither candidate hit a home run.
Neither wooed any opposing voters.
Neither candidate made any major gaffs.
(Okay, McCain was slow in getting the news that at the time of the start of the debate - Ted Kennedy had been released from the hospital. Oh, and that Katie Couric [Who knew that Katie Couric would stump the Republican nominee for Vice President and disprove a statement by the Republican nominee for President in the same lifetime - let alone the same week?]would confirm that Kissinger DID say that he supports a non-conditional meeting with adversaries.)
Obama seemed (over)confident in his answers and rebuttals.
McCain seemed angry. But he may have been distracted. I have a great-aunt with the same problem. She forgets what she's saying in the middle of a sentence.
After the debate (on NBC) both Vice Presidential candidates were asked to appear for their opinions on the proceedings.
Joe Bidden said the usual pro-Democrat stuff.
Sarah Palin said ... nothing?
Apparently Rudy Giuliani is more qualified to field questions from the press at this time.
Dayum, Sarah... knocked out of the spotlight by a lightweight like Katie Couric?
Check out The UndercoverBlack Man for a nice piece on the Republicans becoming worried: Damn. That's cold. http://undercoverblackman.blogspot.com/

I'm waiting to see how Elisabeth Hasselbeck will staunchly affirm EVERYTHING that John McCain said in today's debate.
I like Elisabeth. I like that she is a true believer.
It's just that some people are so blinded by their loyalties that they overlook the truth.
I watched in disbelief as Mrs. Hasselbeck was almost livid in defending Sarah Palin's qualifications to be our next President-in-Waiting. "She's qualified!", Mrs. Hasselbeck would rant on a recent episode of The View. It's like when you're a kid and believe that your dad could beat-up Superman. One can't imagine their own father having any weaknesses. Mrs. Hasselbeck seems adamant in her refusal to believe that the Republican party's policies may not be right for our current condition.
I think you have hot the nail on the head about Elisabeth. I don't care how many times you tell her there is no Santa Claus she just ins not buying it. Everyday I watch the View and wait for her head to start spinning......
I agree, there was no knock-out. But man, did it make my blood boil to see that old ass being so rude. I thought I just didn't like his policies and beliefs. Actually, I don't like him. Presidential? WTF? He is an ass who would be eaten by lunch by Putin and gang. Obama showed he knows how to handle it.
They say Obama supporters follow out of blind loyalty as well. I'm not one of these black folks that always yells "how whitey did me wrong" but I have to wonder about some of McCain supporters. Do they truly believe in him and Palin or is it "anybody but the black guy?"
BTW - I forgot to add you to my blog roll, will do so shortly.
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