I've dated (well... done) some female strippers who turned out to be Bi.
I know a lot of gay guys and lesbians.
I like Ellen and Porsia (Rosie, not so much...).
Hey what you want to do in your home is your business.
I just don't see it. I can't see what a man could see in another man.
But I could understand if, say... Jessica Biel and Stacey Dash hooked-up. That would be one You-Tube video that I might actually watch. They're both hot so I could see the attraction.
In any other year, the Gay Marriage Bill in California (Proposition 8) would be getting a lot of press. (But we actually have issues that effect most of us this year - in a more direct manner.)
Derrick has written a piece;
To which I would like to respond.
I'm not in favor of gay marriage. I no longer live in California so I can't vote on the bill. So in essence, my opinion doesn't really matter.
If a man and a woman get married at a courthouse, society views the Civil Union with the same credibility as it would a church marriage (my friend ErickA's argument) .
If a Muslim is married according to Muslim customs - even churches, who don't have the same belief system, view the marriage as a Holy Marriage (Angry African's point).
Even I view both marriages as real marriages.
So my moral beliefs get put in check with logical arguments.
When Mildred and Richard Loving won their Supreme Court case against Virginia, the wording in the opinion stated;
"Marriage is one of the 'basic civil rights of man', fundamental to our very existence and survival..."
"Basic civil rights of man"... . Damn, there goes my legal argument too.
If the bill passes in California, could churches that disapprove of gay marriage be sued for discrimination?
Does protecting one's interpreted rights become more important than those actually stated in our Bill of Rights?
I'm a Christian but not a very good one. When I go to church, I sit in the back - with the rest of the sinners.
I think that the purpose of religion is to help us to rule over ourselves and not to rule over or oppress others.
My belief system teaches me that gay marriage is wrong.
My feelings tell me that gay marriage just doesn't make sense.
But as the writer of the article referred to states, "If you don't like gay marriage, don't marry a gay!"
Okay, I won't but you can.
Mildred Loving, on the 40th anniversary of Loving v., stated;
"I am still not a political person, but I am proud that Richard and my name is on a court case that can help reinforce the feeling, the commitment, the fairness, and the family that so many people, black or white, young or old, gay or straight, seek in life. I support the freedom to marry for all.
That's what Loving, and loving, are all about".
While I still can't support (vote in favor of) gay marriage, I have no real argument as to why.
What do you think?
Just for the record for anyone reading your post, I am not a huge fan of gay marriage for several reasons. I am all for the civil union, i am all for the right to see your loved one in the hospital and to be treated with the same respect any spouse would in that situation. I am all for sharing Health benefits and insurance and all that legal stuff. I am way more spiritual than I am Christian these days.. Having said all that, I appreciate folks like you who might not get what I do(for the record i have never been with a woman ewwwwww) but hey..to each his own! If that is what get's you off i say do it do it do it and do it some more!
Yes, I agree. You have absolutely no rationale argument against it other than your religion, which in my opinion is also irrational and by definition has no place in the affairs of the state. (Also, having some cursory knowledge of your faith, I would not call you a Christian, but that is for another day).
Since you've offered no argument whatsoever, it's hard to offer a counter point. What a lot of the gay marriage haters say is that they want to protect the institution of marriage between a man and a women. Please, the divorce rate is over 50%, many surveys indicate that a majority of people in marriages are not happy, and most of your people don't seem to believe in it, as they continue to have kids out of wedlock and subjecting these children to broken homes, no fathers, etc. Is this really something to hold up in reverence. Heterosexual marriage is a joke. As far as I know, gay marriage survival rates are significantly higher than heterosexual marriage - they do it better than hetero's!
But why do you even care. Stay out of other peoples business. How does gays having access to marriage affect you? Out don't get it. Do your thizzo, I'll do mine.
To your question if you have no real reason why, then why not?
I am in favor of marriage for all. I'm married to a man and opted against a church wedding of any denomination because I don't believe in the church's idea of what makes a successful or otherwise acceptable union. We're no less married because of our...well my religious beliefs so same should hold true for others. With the exception of religion there really is no concrete reason why two people cannot be joined in matrimony-holy or not.
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