Thursday, June 26, 2008

"I am what I am" - Pop-Eye

Even the animated, large forearmed, pipe smoking, "Olive Oil" loving simpleton "Pop-Eye the Sailor man" had it right.
I recently came across a video on You-Tube extolling the virtues of the "White" Mexican Supremacist movement of Mexico. The apparent view of this movement is that there are primarily three "castes" of ethnic groups in which most Mexicans can be divided.
-Indio - The indigenous Amer-Indians
-Mestizo - Mixed, indigenous and (usually) Spanish
-Castizo - Usually (mostly) Spanish
In an effort to more fully understand this movement, I had several e-mail exchanges with the creator of these propagandic videos. The exchange is as follows;

UBJ - Is the "White" Mexican movement similar to the White Supremest movement here in the states?
Vasilik83 - Yes it is but most of us are just proud of our race and heritage, without being offencive to native or foreign cultures. We are against race mixing but that does not mean we hate other races. We just do not have children with them.

UBJ -Oh... that's interesting. I'd just never heard of the movement.
V - Of course you have not... the only Mexicans who go there are the indigenous. But, I am sure you have heard of the Aztlans (* Aztlan - a mythical Aztec homeland, Aztlans - Those claiming to be the "Palestinians" of North America.) and Mexicas (*Aztec) movement or those gangster "Brown Priders".

UBJ - Yes, I've heard of those schools of thought here.
I've heard of the "Rat-Line" and the Germans in Argentina, the Portuguese settlement of Brazil and the Spanish in Mexico. Are most of the people in the "White" Pride movement mostly of Spanish descent. Are most of the people in power there White and therefore have no reason to stop the flow of illegals to our country?
V- Well as you say, the most predominant are the Spanish descendants. The second are the French, third Irish and many Romanians and Polish - who emigrated looking for a better life. And about your other question... yes. we have no problem with the immigrants. I'll tell you why. Because they are penniless and uneducated people that can not succeed and they kind of hold (us) back. Unfortunately for you, they are going to your country and as you know, most of them are criminals. The main "White Pride" movement here is Creole Pride. You may have seen these videos (You-Tube "Mexican White Pride") but I will send them to you anyway. (They are) about "Whites" in Mexico and what we think of illegal aliens in the U.S. .

UBJ - Well I can't say that they are all criminals but too many are. I've heard/read the word 'Mestizo" - what does this refer to.
V - Well, the coloured people who have European features or lighter colour are considered Mestizos when the Amer-Indian phenotype or colour predominate on the white. And Castizos are those who predominate the White phenotype and colour. You can see some man or woman who is blond with blue eyes but only one of their parents or grandparents are a Mestizo or something. That is the difference between light and coloured mixings. I hope that I make myself clear. Hahaha, but if you have any other questions, do not worry and ask.

UBJ - Oh, okay... thanks. So the Castizos are (let's say an arbitrary amount, 80%) mostly European and not necessarily entirely White? The titles are more about who is more white and not who is really white?
V - I mean, just like in the United States - most Whites have a mix from another culture but you can't really tell either because they are 80% White, as you say, or that happened some generations ago. Let me give you some examples: Kevin Costner, Cameron Diaz, Jessica Beil, Nick Carter, Demi Moore, Elvis Presley, Kim Bassinger, Megan Fox, Patrick Swayzy. can you say that they are not White? They are Castizo because they are as White as any European. That's how it works in every country on this continent.

UBJ - Oh...Castizo as in Castillian - from Spain - being their dominant trait. Okay, I think that I have a better understanding. Thank you for the education.
V - No problem. Good to help.

Hmm... that's a shame. this kind-of reminds me of the Southern Black mindset of the degrees of Blackness ("good" hair/bad hair, dark skin/light skin, etc). When will minorities ever be happy with what they are? It seems that only "Pop-Eye" understood this truth. ~uglyblackjohn~

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