Monday, October 10, 2011

Nelson Linder Says...

That the man he's known for over twenty years IS NOT A RACIST.
NAACP President Nelson Linder still backs Ron Paul as a viable Presidential candidate.

Sure, Paul says some ignorant-assed stuff, but does that make him a racist?

The article failed to include Paul's view of former Representative Barbara Jordan;
She is "the archetypical half-educated victimologist" whose "race and (gender) protect her from criticism".


  1. Just because another Black man vouches for a white guy doesn't make him clean. It just makes the Black guy a idiot especially when it's obvious.

    If you read Ted Turners autobiography you'll see all the racist things he did. But, in the same breath he'll say he's colorblind. Now he has convinced himself that he is colorblind but any Black standing next to him chooses to do so probably for money.

    This man is no different. People who want peace usually give bigots a pass like McCain. But the smart people know you can't get rid of these feelings by just saying I'm sorry.

  2. Yeah... I know... But it DOES seem odd that a president of the NAACP would do so.

  3. The Nelson Linder statements are more proof of Ron Paul's true character, yet time and time again just as Nelson spoke on Ron Paul's defense in the past it is ENTIRELY DISMISSED or in reality not ONCE has it EVEN BEEN BROUGHT UP by the media and the talking heads that are convicting him of a very serious charge.

    I've come to begrudgingly accept the fact that due to Ron Paul's strict non-interventionism on foreign policy that the Right Wing goes after him harder then they would President Obama. After all Ron challenges the hypocrisy of conventional GOP foreign policy, better yet he actually believes in it (his opinions are actually shared by many in the CIA, Cato Institute, etc).

    That being said neither can he get a fair shake the left wing media. He is the perfect notion of the "double threat" among the political elite and media. This is pretty much an undeniable point at this time with pundits pretty much all but agreeing with the "f*** Ron Paul" attitude. Notice on the left wing media outlets how President Obama's ties to Jeremiah Wright and weather underground was conveniently brushed under the rug after some time.

    Notice how Herman Cain with his straight up denial in the face of sexual harassment charges and accuser after accuser was able to garner sympathy from the Right Wing media IMMEDIATELY, even going after his accusers. Newt Gingrich at the last debate wants the power to have U.S. Marshals arrest liberal Justices if their rulings aren't up to what ever he deems is right. The 'righties all made excuse after excuse for him even after he dug this hole even deeper interview after interview.

    Oh yeah how about the only guy on stage who OPPOSED racial profiling and OPPOSED U.S. Sanctioned torture, a.k.a water boarding. Also opposes SOPA and the re-newed and more intrusive NDAA bill.

    Another thing NEVER mentioned by the media, left or right is he is the ONLY candidate between Democrats or Republicans who is willing to speak on records, even on live debates in front of conservative audiences the never ending WAR ON DRUGS, which could be called the WAR ON MINORITIES. Not only does he want to completely end it, but he also wants to release via Presidential PARDON,(Yes this is a power vested in the President under the Constitution) all people arrested and serving time for nonviolent drug crimes. This is not a typical position of anyone who holds higher office, let alone someone as powerful as Mr Paul if he were to win the nomination.

    As more proof of Ron's correctness on this issue I will now quote a 2006 study by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as well as an Alternet article which further validates Mr. Paul.

    "African Americans make up an estimated 15% of drug users, but they account for 37% of those arrested on drug charges, 59% of those convicted and 74% of all drug offenders sentenced to prison. Or consider this: The U.S. has 260,000 people in state prisons on nonviolent drug charges; 183,200 (more than 70%) of them are black or Latino".

  4. (continuation #2)

    "Such facts have been bandied about for years. But our politicians have consistently failed to take action on what has become yet another third rail of American politics, a subject to be avoided at all costs by elected officials who fear being incinerated on contact for being soft on crime.

    Perhaps you hoped this would change during a spirited Democratic presidential primary? Unfortunately, a quick search of the top Democratic hopefuls' websites reveals that not one of them -- not Hillary Clinton, not Barack Obama, not John Edwards, not Joe Biden, not Chris Dodd, not Bill Richardson -- even mentions the drug war, let alone offers any solutions.

    The silence coming from Clinton and Obama is particularly deafening.

    Obama has written eloquently about his own struggle with drugs but has not addressed the tragic effect the war on drugs is having on African American communities."

    Furthermore this 1995 video that Jamie Kirchick has brought up as proof of Ron backing these letters is nothing but a cold blooded lie. Problem is...That financial report was about the financial philosophy of Austrian Economics which forbids rampant inflation via the Federal Reserve, NOT the letters Paul continues to disavow...

    BTW, Jamie Kirchick is the "journalist" who broke this "story" over and over again, yet not ONCE has he mentioned any of the above information, the inconsistencies between the dates involved of the news letters in accordance to dates of the supposed “smoking gun” video, how they are unrelated events none-the-less he does quite the opposite and points to these inadequacies of proof as the proof over and over again.

    Also it may be of some merit to note, this same Jamie Kirchick who is convicting Ron of these serious allegations has quite the pileup of skeletons in his closet as well, just to mention a little about his personal hero, William F. Buckley, the editor of The National Review. Mr. Buckley also one in which was in favor of the South African system of institutionalized discrimination against blacks known as "Apartheid,” also thought Nelson Mandela was in his words “right where he belonged”(Jailed). How about one more for good measure, "in the Deep South the Negroes are retarded and any attempt to argue this point is mere demagoguery.” – March of 1960

    Mr. Kirchick also spoke of being in favor of a “Gay Brigade” being sent over to Afghanistan to “kill muslims.” This was a fairly recent comment from this same righteous truth teller Jamie Kirchick. Also a funny connection, Mr. Kirchick part of the same Neoconservative think-tank as Mr. Newt Gingrich… After attention was brought to this fact, as of today conveniently as it sounds Mr. Gingrich’s official page on this think-tank website has vanished!? Thankfully with the advent of Google cached history it was already saved and preserved… Conflict of interest perhaps, we’ll find out.

  5. (Continuation 3)
    His critics on his allegedly negative stance towards Israel may want to actually research him and not take his statements out of context; they can start with checking out his lone defense of Israel in its 1981 bombing of a Nuclear facility in which most of his colleagues all condemned him and Israel for, which is also conveniently ALWAYS left out of any discussion on Paul and his views on the region.

    I guess I’ve wrote enough on this matter, obviously I am a Ron Paul supporter and I without a doubt truly feel he is not racist, and his biggest mistake was allowing for this gigantic oversight in allowing his name to be in any way shape or form be linked to these inflammatory newsletters and am happy he has come out time and time again to talk them down.

    While he is never going to be that perfect smooth talking, perfectly fitted-suit wearing, perfect hair cut Washington politician I can honestly say after researching & understanding his positions, his convictions to adhering to American principals, the Constitution and the civil rights of all people that he is without a shadow of a doubt NOT the racist monster the media is trying to convince people of and is at most guilty of negligence.

    I hope I have made the point to not blindly accept the notion the media, Jamie Kirchik and the likeminded establishment players are pushing onto Mr. Paul. I took the time to write this rebuttal on his behalf because the media will NEVER present an accurate portrayal, they will NEVER be fair and balanced when it comes to Mr. Paul and this is the only chance they have to devalue and discredit him and it is not fair to him. When he walked away from that news reporter, keep in mind, that day alone he talked to CNN twice about the matter, as well as the day before. He is only human and I’m sure he knows no matter what he says or does he can never do good against a media that wanted him gone before he even started his campaign. That is the sad reality of the matter.

    Thank you if you made it even halfway through this novel, its just very important to me that the truth gets out there, and I would love for everyone concerned about this matter to come to their own opinion and not trust the small minds on TV.

    Thank you
