Monday, October 10, 2011

One Trillion? Four Trillion? Or Twenty-Three TRILLION Dollars?

 Most people believe that we spent close to $1,000,000,000,000.00 to bailout banking institutions during the height of the financial meltdown.
Others put the number closer to four-trillion dollars.
Still others state that we spent close to sixteen trillion dollars - with eight trillion going to the European Central bank - to 'fix' the banking problem.
Another report states that we really spent about TWENTY-THREE TRILLION DOLLARS !!!
Let's take a look at a number somewhere in the middle:

GAO Report No. GAO-11-696 page 131

For only TWO-Trillion dollars we could have paid off every ones student debt and credit card debt.
We could have done this through credit unions (To help ensure that each area owned it's won local debt) while letting the big banks and the brokerage firms on Wall Street collapse into the messes they created.


  1. If dollars were miles, then, for a mere extra 2.8 trillion, I can get you to Alpha Centauri before the Robinson Family.

    (Oops. Wait a minute. The Jupiter 2 launched in 1997. Still, it's 25.8 trillion miles to Alpha C).

  2. Yeah but the Credit Unions don't donate to campaigns. the reason why your common sense theories aren't utilized is because the powers that be don't run the country for the benefit of everyone. One day we'll understand that and proceed but until that day we all will wonder why things are't working the way we all agree.
