Monday, October 10, 2011

Was Jack Correct?

Maybe it's you.
You chose the wrong major (African-American Studies) and you should go back to school,
You should eat better, exercises more and lose some weight,
You are not that nice to people so people are not nice to you,
Your traditions and culture are not marketable at every time in every place,
You really are ugly,
You should read more (and better) books,
You should work harder and not expect everything to be given to you,
You should stop trying to impress everyone else and focus on the things which really matter,
You don't need luxury but should strive for stability instead,
Your beliefs and practices are just effed-up,
Your mom was just lying after all.

If we were actually told what we really needed to hear - would we listen or do we prefer the beautiful lies instead?


  1. I want to hear the truth... but in little pieces spread out over time.

  2. Yeah... me too. And not in front of everyone.

  3. If you're not telling yourself the truth all the time anyway, and laughing at yourself for your sins (mising the mark) the game's already over for you anyway...,

    The absolute and indispensible key is to naturally and sincerely laugh at yourself. Matter fact, I concluded years ago that that was the psychological purpose of laughter, kind of the equivalent of a Windows ctrl-alt-del. When laughter is self-directed, it is self-corrective.

    Laughter turned exclusively outward is the antithesis of truth...,

  4. Most people prefer the beautiful lies because the truth will make them depressed for sure. This is why most people today are really shocked at the economy when they should've saw it coming.

    Either way ignorance is bliss because once you know the truth all you see is ignorance.

  5. @ SeeNew - "purpose of Laughter"?
    Damn... I have to think about something else for a few months.

  6. It's always best to hear the truth. Once you've found out that what you thought you knew was actually a lie, then you'll not only have lost that image that you thought you had but the trust you had in whoever told you the lie or even your own judgement.
