Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Is Ones Religion Too Much To Overcome?

 Back in the day, It was Morris K Udall running for POTUS as a Mormon.
Often finishing second or third, the guy just could not win a primary.
The liberal former NBA player (Yeah... back in the day the NBA actually had white players) lost to Jimmy Carter in the Democratic primary.
 In this election cycle we have two Mormons seeking the office of POTUS.
I'm sure many view Mormons the same way others viewed Catholics when Kennedy was running for office.
I don't know much about Jon Huntsman but I do know that his family treats their employees well down here at their Gulf Coast refineries.
Similar to Udall, Mitt Romney was seen as an outsider who practiced an outsider religion who also finished second or third in most primaries - people fear religious practices which are foreign to them.
Could a Republican ticket consisting of two Mormons be in our future?


  1. Nope, they are in the wrong party!

  2. You pulled out Udall on me? Wow you went way back.
    Rumor has it Mitt an Huntsman don't like each other. Not enough room for the two of them on one ticket.
    We shall see. I'm sticking with my previous comment.

  3. @ FreeMan - Mormons are ven MORE conservative than Conservatives.
    Ron Paul is right on too many issues, Perry is an idiot who most Texans can't stand, Michelle has seen her popularity slip, and Cain is a Black guy.

    My guess?
    A Romney/Cain ticket.

    @ With a Romney/Cain ticket the RNC will be even MORE progressive than the DNC.
