Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Gold Is Worthless...

...To 99% of the population.
Don't believe me - try to pay your bills, buy groceries or purchase household goods with a bar of the stuff.
Sure, GOVERNMENTS need gold as a means to calculate value and worth - but people don't make such large transactions on a daily basis.

Survivalists preach that everyone should own a bar or two - but why?
The Government could re-enact Executive Order 6102 and make the ownership of this 'precious metal' illegal once again to prevent hoarding (Except buy the Government itself).

Religious types can refer to The Bible for guidance.
James 5: 1-3 states, "Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
Your gold and your silver is cankered, and the rust upon them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.".
Apparently, gold was not to be hoarded so long by so few that it would cause rust to form.

One would be better off collecting knowledge and skills which would enable him to survive in the event that our banking system collapsed.
Being able to hunt and kill ones food would be better than trying to coax a beast with gold bullion.


  1. Chocolate. And here's why:

    1) You can't eat gold.
    2) It keeps well.
    3) It will eventually be gone (global warming ruining crops, areas where it isgrown at risk, monoculture makes it vulnerable to pests, and it takes a thousand different types of bacteria to ferment the bean - through three fermentation stages).
    4) If it turns into Mad Max time, you'll get a lot better trades with a bar of chocolate, and laughed at a lot witha bar of gold.

    Gold bugs are suckers.

  2. I picked up a hitchhiker the other day. He told me he owned a bed and breakfast establishment in europe. One of the stories he told me was about a Russian family that stayed at his place, the grandmother travelled with a gold spoon just in case money suddenly became worthless.

    Living in a western country that hasn't recently had terrors it might be hard to appreciate that gold might have some value as currency unlike the babushka.

  3. It's the baseline lingua franca of the world. Everyone generally agrees if the country breaks down those with gold will be able to trade. Not because it's necessarily valuable but because it's agreed upon worldwide. It's a scam for sure but as long as the other countries collect the scam why not your average Joe.

    Once you have the skills to take care of yourself you look for what you can accumulate. The problem only lies in people not having the skills to survive and hoping that gold buys a loaf of bread when shit hits the fan.

  4. @ JayKay - As hot as it gets down here, I think I'd go with a block of cheese. before chocolate.

    @ FreeMan & Miss AJ(How've you been?) - Which is why I keep that cigar box full of old gold teeth in the safe at the family homestead.

  5. Wouldn't the cheese go all slimy in the heat, at least if chocolate was in a bowl it would become drinkable.

    I remembered the post on the gold teeth after I made my comment, will you be adding to it one day as insurance for your descendants?

  6. @ Miss AJ - I guess the only safe bet would be twinkies as far as 'food' goes.

    More gold teeth? Probably rings instead. I never jumped on the Southern Gold Teeth fad.
