Tuesday, October 4, 2011

White Guilt ? (Again?)

 Damn... I didn't know that Michael Irvin was running for POTUS?
Oh wait... that's Herman Cain making plays on Mitt Romney and Rick Perry.
It seems that Tea Party members are trying to prove themselves as being open to Black candidates - just so long as he is their Black candidate.
Could the country really stand to see a Cain v. Obama election for POTUS?
It seems like we just got past seeing two Black head coaches in the same Superbowl.


  1. The last thing the Repubs need in this election is for the South to abstain from voting. If this happens Northern Idaho will see a spike in population.

  2. C'mon Cain seems to be crazy, rational and Black. It's like choosing Venom to Spider Man. So it's a knee jerk reaction to Obama saying we need his polar opposite. But in the end they don't want any Black there so he can't make it.

  3. @ brohammas - As this site's resident white dude - do you really think The South would really call for sucession if Cain was to be the Republican candidate?

    @ FreeMan - The frontrunners often disappear at election time so I doubt Cain win get the nod.
    I think many TeaBaggers are just trying NOT to come across as being racist.

  4. would they succeed? no. But then again Cain would never get the nomination. People regularly underestimate the power of prejudice. Romney's folks didn't get it the first time around at that's why he got trounced by Huckabee. The Christian right hates Mormons.
    Now these same folks who hate Mormons hate black communists even more.
    If forced to choose between a black crazy former CEO or a yankee, white, devil worshiper... white guy wins.
    Cain doesn't stand a chance, and runnibng against Obama is Romney's only chance.

    but again, the south aint goin anywhere...except maybe to Idaho
