Tuesday, October 4, 2011

All Across The World

 The disparity of wealth between the proles and the Inner Party seems to be more and more evident.
 While politicians are calling for faster economic growth,
 there will remain an underclass who always suffer.
 One man's wealth is often sustained by another man's poverty.
 These photos were taken in developed 'civilized' cities in Europe (London), The Americas (Sau Paulo, Brazil and Caracas, Venezuela) and Asia (Mumbai, India...) which rely on petroleum fueled economies.
 What many in New York are protesting against is the possibility of turning America into the next Oceania.
Judging by this map, it looks like Mexico City, Mexico will be the next to see protests from it's workering class.


  1. Uncle John goin hard..., dah, dah, dah, da, daaaa...., I'm lovin it!

  2. Well most of those nations have rampant illiteracy and they don't have a university structure open to all. Although the people protesting on Wall St are angry the USA remains a opportunity for one to become wealthy in their own way. You don't need a job to open a 99 cent store and parlay that into Dollar General.

    I don't know about Mexico city as the rich and poor dichotomy already exists so why riot? In the USA we have people who thought they were going to be rich and lost their job which will never make anyone rich. So it won't happen here because everyone is aware of what's happening.

  3. Our protests are often less about the issue and more about the protest.
    There is a subset of our culture that just wants to be involved and would rather be doing "something" than actually working to fix problems.
