Monday, February 21, 2011

Remember The Sabbath Day...

And keep it Holy.
Why do we need rest?
Why should we leave our troubles as they are when we should be working on solving problems?

The Bible says that the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath.
Is rest so important that it should be listed as the forth commandment given from God?
It seems that God saw that a day of rest was good and ordered us to take one.
If God needed to rest, don't we?

Have you ever surfed the Internet for extended periods of time and had problems with your computer?
Have malware, viruses and overuse caused your computer to decrease in performance?
Isn't good to get rid of unnecessary music, photos, links and programs from time to time?
This is was sleep does.

Sleep allows our conscious mind to communicate with our subconscious mind (in a perfect language) and to sort through all harmful data.
Sleep allows us to make repairs and to update our mental hardware and/or software.


  1. Also it's good for balance in life. The inability of people to let things go consciously causes all kinds of diseases. Just like getting knocked out your body through sleep finds a way to unplug your worries that creates weaknesses that cause diseases.

  2. My grandma was a Seventh Day Adventist and observed the Jewish Sabbath, because Jesus was Jewish and he observed it. I also did this for many years and found it to be very helpful. Saturdays were reserved for worship at temple and all things spiritual and restful. Only all the church activities were sometimes more tiring than housework! :)
