Monday, February 21, 2011

ADHD Cure?

 A belt can be used for many things...
Among them, a possible cure for ADHD.


  1. A belt controls a lot of things in this world and if we were in Singapore a public caning will make foreigners embarrassed.

    It's all part of the hippie children are like little adults angle that has so many people not saying NO with something to back it up besides time out.

  2. its also good at controlling budgets and plumbers crack.

  3. @ FreeMan - Many parents hated the whoopins they received as kids and vowed to not do the same.
    But these parents failed to see the value of the belt.

    To whip or not to whip - that is the question.
    I still get my young cousins early in life (I stop when they turn thirteen).
    I tell them to go sit in another room until I calm down.
    When one asked why I did this, "So I don't kill your little bad ass.", I said.
    I explained that I have to make sure that they are being punished for what they did and not that I'm just beating the ish out of them because I'm angry.
    I have to be in control, not just reactionary.

    The time also gives them a chance to sweat it out a bit.
    To this day, the older kids understand that they deserved those whoopins and they now laugh about it.
    They also understand that violence is not the first reaction but that it is sometimes needed to make corrections.

    @ brohammas - Yeah, but I didn't want to have a picture of a plumbers crack.

  4. @UBJ - To try to make a feeble mind understand the ramifications of their acts is insane. Now while I may agree 13 is a decent cut off I think most people are getting whipped because of a wrong committed.

    Although we all know people who seem to get beatings from a angry parent it is the exception not the rule. Like most acts once we see one guy do it we think we need to outlaw it instead of counseling that one guy.

    If a child is to be guided and raised that means they don't know at all. Timeout may work for some smart child but I bet you my last dollar as soon as time out is over they weren't mulling over why they were mulling over how long do I have to sit here.

  5. Yeah... a Time-Out would have just given me more time to figure out how NOT to get caught the next time.
    My step-dad whooped us if the Sun came up too early - we just knew we'd get whooped over anything. After a while we'd just walk in and take that ish like Denzel in 'Glory'.

    But I know a lot (A LOT) of parents who start beating even without hearing what happened from the kid.
    They just assume that the kid is wrong but never think that he may have made the best choice from many bad ones.

  6. lol @ not wanting a pic of plumbers crack - thank YOU from me too!
