Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Black History Month

At least tell the truth.


  1. Well to some it means a time when they were the owners of their land.

    I think we need to let the bigots go their own way. To argue with them over their losses is stupid. While most people think they are trying to rewrite history maybe those threatened by it should write their own history.

  2. SOmetimes letting the biggots go "thier own way" takes them into state capitols and legislatures.
    I say we speak truth to power... and to ignorance.

  3. SOmetimes letting the biggots go "their own way" allows you to know what really is people true intentions and allows you to build without them.

    I say we allow people to reveal their true feelings and thoughts and prepare against it.

    Potato PotAto huh? LOL

  4. I'm with DF.. allow people to show their true colors and proceed from there. I would rather know up front then find out later on. I had an old neighbor who had a confederate flag hung on his front porch. I think he's an idiot - but, at least I knew to proceed with caution until I moved to a more diverse community.
