Monday, January 3, 2011


The illusion of 'privilege' only exists so long as one group feels that it is superior and the other thinks that it is inferior - predicated on stereotypes and membership in each group.


  1. Privilege is a French word meaning "privi" or private, and "leges" or lawa. Private laws. The rich have always had them. Their own laws, not the ones that are applied to the poor and defenseless.

  2. I remember being a little boy and wondering aloud if Charlton Heston was really gonna kiss that ape.......

    Then I grew up and one day it occurred to me that when some people see me, they see an ape.

  3. @ Desertflower - Oh, I know all that. I was adressing the delusion of "White Privilege".

    @ Reg - But Heston's people destroyed their world.
    I think some people see a POTA situation when they think about minorities taking power.
    And who would want that?

  4. The real issue is not whether they feel that way it's whether the imagery provides and reinforces these beliefs. What is really happening is capturing of minds through imagery.

    The more examples of freedom people see the more they believe it's possible. Like any minority or oppressed people they believe through folklore that the same Giant is alive when he actually died many years ago.
