Monday, January 3, 2011


Or delusion?
Why is it better to imagine that one benefits from a failing model?
When did we begin to assume that we should all be equal and that we should all have the latest model flat screen TV, cell phone or e-reader?
Whatever happened to the belief that one should strive to be the best at whatever it is that he does?
What happened to being an apprentice?
Why do we still believe that we have to be entertained 24/7?
Why do most parents know the names of more characters from their favorite television shows than they do the names of the teachers of their children or those of their children's friends?
When did being entertained become more important than having real knowledge or skills?
In a worst case scenario - would we be able to survive under the most difficult conditions?
Or have we become too soft or too dependant?
Have we sold our souls in the pursuit of  'newer and better' material goods?

Back in the day - poor people knew they were poor.
Back in the day - people would; put newspaper in the bottoms of their shoes, use rubber bands to keep old socks from falling down, wear hand-me-down clothes, eat leftovers, work two or three jobs to pay bills, fight for the right to go to school or vote (and actually use these rights), read books to learn, practice religion, eat healthy meals (when they could), exercise, and believe that they were better than their current condition.
People would work


  1. Excellent post John and certainly something to think about.

  2. Well the TV has made everyone believe that money is promised to them. The idiots are glorified and given sitcoms, the irresponsible seem to revel in their ignorance and dumb shapely women are elevated to superstar status for nothing.

    How can a poor person get their child to endure the sacrifice while they watch TV shows of opulence and fun? The poor still know they are poor it's just they'd rather party for one night like a rockstar and remember when they lived it up while for the rest of their life they live down their poor decisions.

    This is the state and nature of most people. How do you keep power? By force.. creates rebellion, By religion ... creates martyrs but By Entertainment... creates fat, happy, lazy idiots!

    Ding Ding Ding entertainment wins! LOL

  3. Only by the old begging model of religion.
    True religion is strength.
