Monday, January 3, 2011


 Why do many people suffer even though they have everything they are supposed to want?
Maybe it's because they fail to create.
All contented people create.
Whether it's through business, or art, by developing better skills at ones job, or even through facilitating in the progress and stability of ones family - all creative people find happiness through being creative, through solving problems, by becoming better at that which is most important to them.

But actors don't often find such happiness.
Because most of their lives are spent pretending to be someone they are not.
And most people are just actors.

Why do so many people go broke trying to keep up with the Joneses?
Because they have no idea what it is that they actually like or desire.
Most people have become conditioned to think that everyone should be the same.
That everyone should want and possess the same goods.
That bigger and newer is always better.

Even many people with enough money suffer from this fate.
Many follow the latest trends, try to impress their friends, move into a new home in a new area, or seek that which they do not actually want.
Many can have anything but very few can have everything.
And this is okay - most people do not even really want to have everything.
Why are so many fools taught to abandon their happy ways in favor of lives spent chasing unsustainable dreams?


  1. I once had a conversation with someone who thought the world was coming to an end. I said OK we'll get the hell out of the USA if it seems like it's that crazy. Save your money and pack up and move to Brazil as that's pretty far South and there's Black folks there too.

    In the end he said he'd rather fight. I said even though the military is way more capable than any civilian army.

    He finally said I like it here! and we broke out laughing!

    I think most people know they are chasing emptiness but it looks so enticing and plus they like it here!

  2. I came to realize that I stay here because I actually like it here in this small town.
    I miss a lot about Cali. but over the years I've kinda' found my place here.
    Everywhere is a bit effed up but it ends up being what you make of it.
    (Now if I could just get more people to support good Black owned businesses...)

  3. My problem is I like it everywhere except Tijuana!

    Here's the solution. Make all the Black Owned the best aesthetically and hygienic businesses in the area and the tide will turn.

    If one has choice in burgers and it's the same price most people will choose the clean place.

    If there's no difference they will go tot eh closest one. When I was a kid my mother would drive 5 miles out of the way to shop at the same Vons that was one block away. She preferred it because it was clean.

  4. Oh, I do.
    A lot of the remodels I do are for tacky Black owned businesses.
    I try to upgrade them to better compete.
