Thursday, December 9, 2010


Sometimes I can't think - sometimes I just do.
Sometimes this is a good thing because helping people has been so ingrained in my personality that I will help someone without thinking.
Sometimes it's a bad thing because I have problems code-switching and I often get stuck making the wrong choices to fit the corresponding environment.

Running these clubs is killing me.
The vapidity of most patrons leaves me in a mindset where I have problems processing any information which requires deep thought.
I can do popularity with my eyes closed and both hands tied behind my back but this is merely performance.
I find no real pleasure in 'spitting game'.

But being cool has it's price.
By being cool I have problems shifting back and forth with being a thinking man.
When I read the posts of SeeNew (at Subrealism) I now find myself months (not the usual weeks) behind in the topics being discussed.
I think my environment may be affecting my I.Q..
I think that is why I'm having so much trouble coming up with a plausible theory explaining why a death of the ego, or a death of the old ways, is needed to ensure progress.

Evolution, stigmergy, game theory, whatever... .
It seems that most of our actions can be predicted by the observance of bacteria.
The Tea Party, Sarah Palin, (most on) Fox News, and Rush Limbaugh seem to be suffering from stress.
Their actions are not their own but most are just reactions due to stress.
Beings who have reached the apex of their evolutionary cycle realize that if the world changes their likelihood of survival will diminish.
When this is the case, one fights such change.
Whatever is causing this change must be assimilated or eliminated.

If one accepted this fate he would be committing a suicide of self (consciousness, ego, tradition,...).
And as we all know, suicide is shunned by most cultures.
If Ms Palin, the Tea Party or most of those on Fox News readily accepted the current change they would be creating an environment in which their progeny had little chance for survival.
(Or at the very least, one in which they had less power or influence.)
By creating an environment where they would suffer, they would be seen as killing themselves.


  1. Mathematics, reason, and imagination help to reveal the truth.

    Think of it in gaming terms. How does one proceed from one level of a game to a higher level of that game? What is involved?

    Think of ritual or religious praxis in gaming terms, as a repetitive sequence of tricks or maneuvers, except played out over a much longer "gaming" interval.

    By its very nature, such eclexic activities - if successful - would always prove contrary to scaling and good governance in a system predicated on attracting and motivating multitudes for the purpose of economic growth. Wouldn't it?

    The human species is at a crossroads. Our "way of life" is in direct and dire conflict with our "means of living." In order to continue and to flourish, a radical realignment of human ways and means is imperative.

    Having spent a week now mulling over the question of evolutionary resistance in western culture - I believe I've arrived at a fairly simple and easily understood formula that accurately describes our predicament - i.e., the situation in which we find ourselves in which our way of life is in direct and dire conflict with our means of living.

    The primary barriers to prompt, popular collective adaptation and realignment of our ways and means is twofold.

    1. Average-level compound invidividual development (ACID)
    2. Dopamine hegemony as a governance method geared toward ACID management.

    In ordinary life ACID consciousness exclusively identifies with and utilizes its evolutionary growth energies in the repetitive search for and acquisition of representative attachments;

    1. Property-wealth-money seeking and accumulation
    2. Sexual-Emotional gratification and release
    3. Verbal-Membership group identification and validation
    4. Recognition-Attention attraction and maintenance

    These representative attachments are thoroughly tested until such time as they epically FAIL.

    When representative attachments lose their appeal, their ability to motivate, at that point, the end of that level and potential transition/translation to the next level begins.

    With the full-fledged emergence of egoic-mentality, the self became aware of, and thus potentially capable of, transcending its own thought processes.

    With the full-fledged emergence of egoic-mentality, the self became aware of, and thus potentially capable of, transcending its own thought processes.

    With the full-fledged emergence of egoic-mentality, the self became aware of, and thus potentially capable of, transcending its own thought processes.

    With the full-fledged emergence of egoic-mentality, the self became aware of, and thus potentially capable of, transcending its own thought processes.

    In the west, we have reached the point where egoic-mentality is starting, like the environment and the body before it, to crystallize out in consciousness and peel off of the self-sense. A minority is collectively starting, but only just starting to break free of our own thought processes and their representative attachments

  2. How about this for a reason...

    I think that is why I'm having so much trouble coming up with a plausible theory explaining why a death of the ego, or a death of the old ways, is needed to ensure progress.

    "What brought you here is not needed to move forward."

    Ok problem solved...

  3. MAybe death of the ego isnt needed at all, and the human mind is in fact not evolving.
    MAybe we are the same as all the humans from 500 years ago, no smarter.

    Maybe the ego just needs to learn its place.

  4. Looks like my first comment got eaten. Broken into two parts, it went thus;

    Mathematics, reason, and imagination help to reveal the truth.

    Think of it in gaming terms. How does one proceed from one level of a game to a higher level of that game? What is involved?

    Think of ritual or religious praxis in gaming terms, as a repetitive sequence of tricks or maneuvers, except played out over a much longer "gaming" interval.

    By its very nature, such eclexic activities - if successful - would always prove contrary to scaling and good governance in a system predicated on attracting and motivating multitudes for the purpose of economic growth. Wouldn't it?

    The human species is at a crossroads. Our "way of life" is in direct and dire conflict with our "means of living." In order to continue and to flourish, a radical realignment of human ways and means is imperative.

    Having spent several weeks now mulling over the question of evolutionary resistance in western culture - I believe I've arrived at a fairly simple and easily understood formula that accurately describes our predicament - i.e., the situation in which we find ourselves in which our way of life is in direct and dire conflict with our means of living.

    The primary barriers to prompt, popular collective adaptation and realignment of our ways and means is twofold.

    1. Average-level compound invidividual development (ACID)
    2. Dopamine hegemony as a governance method geared toward ACID management.

    In ordinary life ACID consciousness exclusively identifies with and utilizes its evolutionary growth energies in the repetitive search for and acquisition of representative attachments;

    1. Property-wealth-money seeking and accumulation
    2. Sexual-Emotional gratification and release
    3. Verbal-Membership group identification and validation
    4. Recognition-Attention attraction and maintenance

  5. These representative attachments are thoroughly tested until such time as they epically FAIL.

    When representative attachments lose their appeal, their ability to motivate, at that point, the end of that level and potential transition/translation to the next level begins.

    With the full-fledged emergence of egoic-mentality, the self became aware of, and thus potentially capable of, transcending its own thought processes.

    In the west, we have reached the point where egoic-mentality is starting, like the environment and the body before it, to crystallize out in consciousness and peel off of the self-sense. A minority is collectively starting, but only just starting to break free of our own thought processes and their representative attachments;

  6. To cease our exclusive Identification with and attachment to these representations, to transcend them, and thus open ourselves to the next step in evolution.

    Failing this imperative, and succumbing to the violent and aggressive western drive to conserve this now no longer useful form of egoic-mentality and its utterly unsustainable and immoral attachments, Life's experiment with our species will likely be terminated because we've become a danger to life itself. I believe that this is how the Great Filter works.

    “What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life. There’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in you mind, driving you mad” – Morpheus

  7. Human evolution is psychological.
    Human evoluton is psychological.
    Human evolution is psychological.

    Everything else is conversation.

    1. Who represents the tip of the evolutionary spear in Western Civilization?

    2. What threads within Western Civilization most closely adhere to the evolutionary imperative?

    There we go, altogether now - much better.

  8. @ FreeMan - I just saw that quote in a movie (I think).
    But how does one explain that to a group of people taught to depend on others for their own progress?
    What is the impetus needed to get people to drop their old failed ways and to begin working for practical applications for new (or even ancient) ideas or concepts?
    If I hear another old woman telling her grandchildren that they should settle because she thought that she had to I may just get arrested for hitting an old lady in the mouth.

    @ brohammas - see SeeNews links.

    @ SeeNew - MORE homework?
    (Actually I like the homework - I just like complaining about it even more.)

  9. @UBJ - Someone told me that when I hit a plateau in life too early.

    The impetus that changes the masses is fear and drought. Now it's up to the creative mind to create the massive shift by the herd.

    You cannot explain the complex to the simple minded. They will get bored and would rather play with theirselves on their Ipad. The goal is to introduce the Ipad. Change the world and the way they have to live in it and you'll have your desired end.

  10. Greetings Ugly Black John:
    Some of the content in this blog post reminds me of why I found the Science of Mind Philosophy helpful in my everyday life.
    I truly believe that our perceptions about ourselves and the world around us are based on our beliefs and thoughts. If we can change both we can change our circumstances.
    Based off my own life experience I’ve come to see that if your thinking is in order everything else will follow. You will naturally divest from the matrix and its old world order paradigm.

  11. @ Mary Ann - Check out blogs by SeeNew (Subrealism), FreeMan (Rise and Grind) or brohammas (brohammas) - each seems to be trying to destroy such a matrix so everyone can decide his own definition if "Freedom".
    KayDub (Sky, Soil...) is also hot.
    DeeVee (Denmark Vesey) will drive you nuts but the place is filled with some of the best minds on the Internet.

    (Thanks for dropping by)
