Friday, December 10, 2010

"See" The Impossible

Apparently we're just lazy.
In an effort to save energy, the human eye can only see the differences between receptors instead of assigning a value to each receptor.

Maybe this is true with other aspects of our lives as well.
I know a woman who'd been to my home several times.
To her - it was just a house.
One day we went to Houston so I could check out a few shops and galleries.
Again, to her, these shops were just stores.
But upon returning to my house she noticed that most of the furnishings were expensive vintage Mid-Cent-Mod pieces.
She noticed that my closets were filled with more high-end designer clothing than they were declasse popular labels.
She had never noticed this before - her eyes weren't trained to see these things.

I wonder if this is true for many who suffer from the results of a racist culture as well.
Are the poor and undereducated that way because they have yet to train their eyes (and mind) to see what is right before their eyes?
Have they focused on being the victim for so long that they cannot see (or even imagine) the rainbow of opportunities available to them?


  1. they cannot see beyond what they were trained to see. in their world, street smart is the only smart, you have reached the top if your car has rims, knowledge of the world as it works outside of their experience is frowned upon. "sellout" is the normal verbal response for trying to find a way to get out of poverty.

    acceptance is often confused with respect, and being a man is doing what you want to do, not what you are supposed to do.

    the same can be said of people who have been rich or financially comfortable for their entire lives. especially the ones that were born into money. they see success, and assume that anyone who really wants it can get it, sadly hard work doesn't always pay off while some people have
    benefited from laziness.

    people make decisions based on what makes sense to them. too bad there is no shortage of senselessness

  2. YES, is the answer!

    When I stayed in Baltimore most of the BaltiMorons never visited DC which is 35 minutes away nor Philly which is a hour North. When I would talk to them they would make up ghost stories about DC people and would say their steaks and cheese were the same as in Philly.

    Ignorance left alone to fester for years will turn into Ignorant Pride. Then it morph into folklore passed on by generations of Morons who never left their city too. Finally it come out in their songs and become popular enough to be a glimpse inside some isolated world.

    The question no one ever asks someone stuck in poverty is why don't they just get up and leave? The answer will be because they never left so don't know where to go.

  3. It is a human condition that manifests differently depending upon the individual or demographic.

    I know many, MANY, great people who absolutely don't think racism exists. They have never seen it.
    These are fools who are worth saving and if they are saved, the OTHER fools who don't know there are opprtunities right in front of them.... will actually have more opportunities.

  4. Excellent thought provoking post.

  5. "See" the Impossible tied to its predecessor post would give rise to the quandry "Be" The Impossible.

    Ironically, seeing all that you can see, will almost inevitably lead you to being far less than you can be...,
