Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Be" The Impossible

 In swimming,
 Or cycling - riding in the wake created by the leader is always the easiest path to follow.

I know this - everyone knows this.
But why do we always try to turn followers into leaders?
Maybe we should change the focus to turning leaders into better leaders.

Using the 'push' model isn't working.
The load is to heavy for one man, one group or one philosophy to carry.
Maybe Gordon Gecko was correct in his "Greed is good" soliloquy.
Maybe the masses do benefit from one person or group being better than the rest.
(As long as that person or group doesn't become oppressive.)
Maybe the masses need someone to take the lead in order to see which direction they should follow.
Maybe inspiration is as important as preparation.


  1. The difference between most people in intelligence is something small but significant that the other built on but they both had in common.

    Isn't this the same as saying you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket. I mean to try to make leaders better leaders and hope they aren't oppressive or somehow swayed by power is a prayer at best.

    Wouldn't it be better to raise the masses understanding at a elementary level as some will become great leaders but the masses will be pretty good at leading theirselves. Wouldn't it be easier to topple a ideology if the holders of it are few?

    It's a CON or propaganda for the model to always be Jesus. You cannot counteract real force with a Jesus way. It's better to have millions of people who agree on the goal but execute it their own way like a guerilla army.

    Only in this country and in the Western world is this Jesus angle taught. The masses pray for a messiah because they have been taught that way. But, it is not a viable way to win a war by knowing if they cut off the head of the snake the body will die. It's beyond ignorant for anyone to know that and build in that direction.

    The real story of Jesus was a great example that has survived hundreds of years. It has morphed into different sects but they all believe in the same thing. This way all roads lead back to the original ideology even if they play with snakes while doing it.

    People want inspiration because they are weak. Weak people need inspiration to lose weight to be patient and to endure oppression. The answer is not more inspiration it's just some myth that has been adapted and taught.

  2. Exactly - most people are weak and only do what they see others doing.
    Like that old saying about 'wanting something done right' - sometimes things have to be done for the sake of others to show others that it can be done.
    I'm just at the point right now when I'm thinking about being more high-profile (which I hate) for the sake of letting others know that things can be done.

  3. High Profile is something I had to get more used to myself but I see the fruits of my labor already on the site.

    If you build it they probably won't come but if you make it big enough they'll copy it and call themselves a success. Maybe you want the fleas and ticks to suck your talents so they can turn it into a trend amongst the unmotivated.

    If we can't get to them early we'll have to impress them late. It's easy to get a kid to listen for 5 dollars it's harder to get grown people to listen unless it's backed up by vanity. Got to play the devils game and that's making what's already in their best interest attractive and mistakenly sinful.
