Thursday, December 9, 2010

Obsolete Luxury - Filofax

And Mont Blanc pens.
While I enjoy the more tactile experiences of listening to music on vinyl instead of on i-Pods, opening stamped and mailed letters instead of e-mail, and reading hard backed books not i-Pads - something must be said of modern technology.

Back in the day, one bought a Filofax (Or the cheaper DayRunner).
These things aren't cheap - today, the crocodile skin model costs about $2300.00.
But why spend this when one can do more on his $200.00 phone?
And why spend $200.00 on a Mont Blanc pen when no one even writes anymore?


  1. The world is becoming temporary and knowledge is too. How can someone accumulate knowledge if they don't have it as a reference. So the invention of all this transitory knowledge is causing more ignorant people.

    Part of exploring a Barnes & Noble is browsing the aisles. It's the same reason why your cable company doesn't want to give you your channels a la carte.

    Although things are cheaper and more accessible it actually dilutes the accumulation of knowledge. We have replaced knowledge with access to knowledge which is a hell of a lot cheaper. Ultimately resulting in no one knowing anything and as soon as the internet fails people will piss on themselves. Without the accumulation of knowledge you make people helpless and this is probably the ultimate goal. To make everyone a happy fat cog!

  2. Mont Blanc for two reasons:
    1. the easthetic. It looks, feels, and is cool.
    2. Because ink and paper don't need batteries or a device to be read and kept.

  3. @ FreeMan - Yeah... how much would people know without being able to Google it?
    SeeNew had a post and we weren't allowed to use Google.
    I wasn't the only brotha' to get lost in other people's references.

    @ brohammas - I like the weight and feel of a Mont Blanc pen but how often does one even write anymore?
    I use more Sharpies these days.

  4. I've got a Mont Blanc around here somewhere....I never used it. It was a gift from my wife for one of my birthdays.

    I can't bring myself to use a Kindle or a Nook, it's just not within me. I love the feel of a book in my hands. I read constantly and I have for years, but I just can't see me going electronic with it. I like the basics and reading is just one of those things that I refuse to compromise on.
