Friday, August 27, 2010

Good Hair

While at DeeVee's site, the topic of "Good Hair" was brought up.
Many people wish to do away with the socially conditioned beliefs of what is considered to be good (more desirable) and what is considered to be bad (less desirable) hair.
But the hair (as are the nails) is a protein based appendage of the skin.
The condition of ones hair and nails can be an early indicator of the condition of ones largest organ (the skin) and other internal organs.
"Good Hair" is that which belongs to a healthy person.


  1. Like Siskel and Ebert used to say, "Thumbs up!"

  2. I love fine women with Afros. Curly hair, bushy hair, or bald Ms. Lenoir could get it any day of the week.

  3. Yes, I find this article very interesting, especially due to the fact that only yesterday I was talking to an Asian guy (Indian) and he told me "you have good hair for a black girl, if I was looking at you from the back, I would have thought you were Indian", immediately a white guy sitting with us exclaimed "that's racist, you just gave her a compliment and then insulted her at the same time".

    I also told him that was kind of racist as well, but I guess he was just stating his opinion of it. This is the second time I have had a comment like that from an Asian person. The first time an Indian guy asked me "how did you get your hair straight like that" (sometimes my hair is flat ironed).

    The beauty of black hair is that we can have it curly, straight, texturised, wavy or anything we want, but I suppose this can be fascinating for some people of other races especially when they haven't mixed with people of other races very much.
