Thursday, August 26, 2010


It amazes me when some say that it is wrong to date/marry inter-racially but they find the products of such unions to be those to whom they are attracted to the most.
From Barack Obama, being celebrated as being the first Black president.
To Beyonce' or Cassie or Christina Milian or Halle Berry or Leona Lewis or Lolo Jones or Mariah Carey or Nicki Minaj or Esther Baxter being touted as being among the most beautiful women in the world - most of those who claim to hate mixed race couples are those who find the byproducts of mixed raced unions to be among the most attractive women in the world.
Why do many people claim to hate that which they are attracted to the most?


  1. Are people attracted or is that the acceptable exception by the powers that be? Maybe its actually white men who prefer the mixed women since they are the real buying demographic.

    I think if there were more variety of women presented in the mass imagery of the media you would see people prefer other things. It took a long time for the masses to get thicker and shapely women back on the front of magazine which is pretty much the anti-white girl!

  2. There is more to this than, eh hem, meets the eye.

    A socio-political opposition to the cultural and economic implications of so-called inter-racial marriage is one thing. That opposition tends to be rooted in the concern about limited marriage options for Black women in the US and in other places throughout the diaspora. The concern is not so much about the marriage or reproduction options of Black men. Those options have not been limited -- they've expanded.

    None of these concepts in the conscious mind stand much chance against the long-term subliminal messaging about beauty in our society. Finding Beyonce attractive and being opposed to so-called inter-racial marriage are not oppositional positions. They're apples and oranges. Each position is "birthed" from different aspects of our consciousness.

    You could also make the argument that favoring so-called inter-racial marriage (ostensibly on the basis of our shared humanity and equality), while deeming the products of these unions to be more attractive than others is also inconsistent.

    At the end of the day, it's all a mess. Ain't it?

    And besides, this nation is filled with millions of people widely deemed unattractive who are products of these unions. The real problem may be that these folks are part of a "media blackout/whiteout" and never make it out of Toledo or Grand Rapids or Decatur or Troy or the thousands of small towns all over America where people look the other way.

  3. @ FreeMan - One of the clubs I run had a Salsa Night.
    Many of the male Black regulars were all over the Latinas.
    A lot of Black women complained and said that thy hated to see Black men with women of another race.
    When I told these ladies that Iwas (almost) half Mexican they said that it was okay because I am fiiine.
    I just posted it this way because I didn't want to have a bunh of pictures of dudes at my spot.
    But it just seemed odd that the women hated these couples but they seemed to gravitate towards the "good hair", lighter skin, and the percieved social superiority of having these traits.
    I just thought it odd that those who say they hate pigmentocracy seem to be those who practice it the most.

    @ Temple - What's up - you slummin' down here?
    Nah... I don't think most people even know why they are attracted to others.
    IMOHO - I think that the mean of all ethnicities is seen as the most attractive by most ethnic groups.
    e.g. - Halle or Nicki being the most attractive Black women,
    Kim Kardashian or Angelina Joile being the most attractive 'white' women,
    Salma or J-Lo being the most attractive Latinas...
    I think that's why Asian women try to get butt inplants and folds in their eye lids, whites tan and get lip implants, Blacks get weaves and try to lighten their skin.
    I think there must be some innate social and reproductive advantages to being the best combination of all ethnicities.

  4. UBJ those people who deride interracial couples are haters who are usually ugly, fat, disgusting losers who can't get laid to save their lives. Seriously. People who are secure in themselves tend to get dates. Where I live is only three percent Black. The Black gals aren't hurting for loving because I see lots of interracial couples. My youngest baby sister, Beck, who grew up here all her life only brought a Black man home ONCE!

    The rest of her dudes have been Japanese, White, Mexican and whatever else. Her fiance is American Mexican. So Black women who have it together and are secure in themselves don't have problems finding a guy to appreciate them. And granted, my baby sister does have 'light' skin and 'fine graded hair' but she still looks Black.

    Another gal I grew up with is very dark with broad West African features. Black kids would tease her for being dark, but when we all got older and began to date she had a boyfriend and he was a white dude.

    Some of the colorist mentality is often perpetuated by people of color.I've heard some far out stuff from other Blacks, some Hispanics and Asians on complexions and being 'too dark'. Hell even Indian girls flat iron their hair to get it super straight.

    My family is a Lake Charles, Louisiana family which means there are all types of ethnicities in my background so I find people that look like my family members and me to be attractive. Some of this is human nature; attraction also has to do with comfort and aesthetics as much as it does pheramones;)

  5. Sometimes, in some things, we have to just quit trying to look deeper or find a bigger reason... sometimes fine is just fine.
    BAck in the day I was asked what kind of girl I liked (I had a history of blondes), my response was "I know it when I see it".

    That was it. She was not the first black girl I have ever seen, nor the first hot one. I was not attracted to black or white girls... I was/am attracted to hot.

    As to what she was attracted to???
    She is simply proof that I am the best salesman in the world. If I could get her to say "yes" to me, I can sell anything.

  6. Pigmentocracy.....hmmmm...very interesting, I think some mixed guys are good looking and I think some black guys are good looking.

    I don't really have a hankering or preference for mixed or balck, probably because in my immediate and extended family we have both shades of the mixed look and the very dark look, so I am attracted to both, but I would not say that my preference is for the mixed look necessarily.

    Besides, all shades of black are beautiful.

    Another thing is that just because a person looks mixed, it doesn't automatically mean that they are mixed because there are different shades of black after all.

  7. if you have light skin you are not african
    --african man
