Sunday, August 29, 2010


As I said earlier, most people only claim to desire fairness when it is slanted in their favor.
Which is why I don't desire a Black Mecca.
As with all those new to power - those who replace the previous power will begin to act the same as that former power.
New power often asserts itself in a Lord of the Flies manner with the weaker members becoming the new minorities.

I also stated that one of the clubs I run has decided to have a "Salsa Night".
(Really, it is code for "Latino Night'. In all actuality, only one or two Salsa songs are played throughout the night - the rest of the play list being Latin-inspired Hip-Hop, House or Techno music.)
To get ready for "the Mexicans" (as the club owners referred to the clientele), the owners decided to serve only canned beer (instead of bottled) and to used plastic glassware.
"NO! That's what many white people (used to) do to Black people.", I replied.
Not wishing to offend me, we used our regular glassware and provided our usual level of service.
The night went on without a fight and the club sold out and had a record level of bar sales
The crowd was polite (as they understood that this was not one of "their" clubs and that we offered the space as a courtesy) and patient (even when we'd run out of a particular brand of liquor).
The promoters thanked the owners and me for allowing them the use of the venue.
At the end of the night - the same owner said, "We should have them every Saturday night.
Odd how money can change ones view of another.

1 comment:

  1. You might not desire a Black Mecca but I do! What's the alternative waiting for other folk to be fair when that's not their nature and their history.

    Two wrongs don't make it right but in this case it makes it even. Just because a group acts a certain way doesn't mean under the same circumstances we will have the same tendencies. Even if we did I sure would like to see that society come about than the current one where it's a whole bunch of lying.

    Money is the great equalizer when it comes to business but what about when someone just doesn't want you living next to them. That's not a money issue as it's much more of a deep seated hatred for others. That won't be solved by making people rich as rich people will just have the means to make sure no one lives next to them.
