Sunday, August 29, 2010

Al v. Glenn

"The folks who used to criticize us for marching are trying have a march for themselves"  Al Sharpton

Not wishing to create the same racist ambiance created by some of the signage from last year's rally - Glenn Beck told his supporters not to bring anything which could elicit the titles "Racists" or "Obama Bashers" from news sources covering this year's event.

It's just funny to me that most Conservatives are now pretending to favor the teachings of King over those of Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Booker T Washington or Frederick Douglas - whose teachings were much more in line with the ideology of the current purported Conservatives.
But come to think of it - the right citing King as the exemplar of Black conservatism should not be a surprise.
Judging by the ringleaders and central figures (Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin) of this crusade's limited scope of sources - King is probably the only Black person most of these people could recall.
(Okay, King and Alex Hailey.)


  1. "Bring Back We The People" written on the pattern of the confederate flag. Awesome! -____-

    I used to think that the people who follow the likes of Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, etc were all idiots being sold all purpose miracle tonics. I'm beginning to think that these people know what the truth is, they just don't want any part of it. Beck didn't fill their heads with these crazy ideas about their government, their president, and the future of the White mean Real Americans, they always had these notions. Glenn beck (and others like him) just expresses these idiotic sentiments on national television, national radio, and books (getting paid handsomely for his efforts).

    If there were no Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh out there people would still think that the POTUS was a black socialist Muslim who was born in Kenya (even in the face of evidence that this is not the case).

    I will no longer blame Glenn Beck for cashing in on the gold mine of racism and fear. Get your paper dude.

  2. Uh huh...
    I think that people believe what they already believe.
    Most are just looking for someone else to believe in the same thing.
    Just look at the blog rolls of most people - most are filled with people who have similar interests.
    It's rare to find blog rolls that contain other blogs who may have a different take on things.

  3. a great man once said that he dreamt of a day when a person would be judged on their character and not the color of their skin...well then WHY in 2008 did over 90% of blacks voted for obama...hypocrites

  4. @Anon - Obama was the best candidate regardless of race don't you think. You really think McCain was better?

    I don't know what Black guy beat your ass where you feel the need to come on blogs to get your bigotry off your chest. But, I sincerely hopes he finds you and beats your ass again so you can stay in the cave you came from.
