Friday, June 11, 2010

Ain't Nothin' Gonna Happen

BO can talk the ish he wants about firing BP's CEO.
But the truth is - it ain't gonna happen.
Why - because the perpertrators are white?
Nope, because the US has too many ties with the Brits and the US is not beyond reproach when it comes to environmental disasters itself.
Attacking BP and the Brits is just a case of the pot calling the kettle "black".


  1. Funny you should cite that article. I was thinking how this disaster may be our Bhopal if hurricanes blow toxic rain from oil dispersants into our agriculture.

  2. and it's not just politics uncle john.

    obamamandius and his sheriff designee (brownie salazar) couldn't have shot any straighter even if they had ever sincerely wanted to....,

  3. I remember seeing the doco on the poor people of alaska and the way exxon used the judiciary to escape giving a fair and reasonable recompense for their loss of earnings. If the beaurocracy allowed exxon to evade it's responsibilities why should it be any different for BP?

  4. BP really shit the bed this time!!!
