Monday, June 14, 2010

Kermit Said It All

"It ain't easy being green."
Unless you're rooting against Kobe.
Sure, he's a great basketball player.
I'd choose him if we were running threes at the local park.
(Just don't let him come to the strip club with you afterwards.)

Robert Green - Choke.
Alvin Greene - Broke.


  1. You can't make stuff like this up, folks.

  2. Don't hate on Alvin.

    I live in South Carolina and I have for the past five years. I pay fairly close attention to politics; and yet, I must admit that until the day of the election, I'd not heard of Alvin Greene. Of course I opted to vote in the Republican primary, rather than the Democratic one; so I didn't get to vote for or against Alvin anyway. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to vote in the Republican primary and vote against the son of Strom Thurmond and one of our idiotic US Senators too.

    People need to leave Alvin alone. Besides by the time this year is out, no one will remember him anyway.
